31th of December I gave away all my money (450,850 of gold), and all my mw items: +3 katana, Light Strange Gloves, Heraldic Mail and Khergit Leather Boots (except my +3 arming cap) to Macropus as a new year gift. Then at the end of January I lied to him that I had returned to crpg, so he gave me everything back. And then, 4th of February, I presented all my garbage to him again, with additional 2 more looms and even plus my beloved arming cap. Just because it was his birthday!
So, don't judge him hard, Leshma, when he said that if you ever offered to him something as a gift, he'd just say "Fuck off". He is a fine guy, but kinda hate giving/receiving any presents. And it is probably my fault