M&B With Fire and Sword = Utter shit !
ARMA 2 = Too realistic , 2hrs gametime

ARMA 2 OPERATION ARROWHEAD = Played less than an hour
COSSACKS EUROPEAN WARS = I played all cossacks games before they were on steam (Hipster pirate here !)
CITIES IN MOTION 2 = Just lol...
DEAD ISLAND = Good to chop limbs apart for few hours,than it's shit.
PS:Fuck you steam sale !
I shall add :
BF 3 : Was good, turned into armored CoD teenager shooter
GW 2 : Worst endgame content and most overrated PvP system ever (Sadly it continues in ESO)
RIFT : I preordered,played for a week then erased it. Most retardedly ugly UI i've ever seen
To the list aswell...