I don't understand why it's not implemented yet.
Face it, we are playing this game for 4 years, you've done quiet epic things during this by developing brilliant features. I know grinding is a key to keep this mod survive but we retired too much and most of us already have what we need. There is no motive to retire anymore. I want to keep playing this game but I get bored easily by playing a specific class for too long. For instance, i just hit level 33 with my main 2 hander it takes 30-40 million for level 34 which will bring me extra 2 IF that won't make any difference so Im just playing this to have fun. Doing same thing over and over and over again is repetetive and boring why on earth i can't change my build entirely when i want ?
This community is old now. Some of us got married, some of us graduated college, some of us started college 4 years is not a short time, It's time to give people freedom by removing obstacles not adding new goals to achieve. We are tired of achieving goals
Let us chill and enjoy the game as we want please.