Author Topic: An autobalance that puts clans together on public servers is a terrible idea.  (Read 5036 times)

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Offline Nehvar

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Really? That's what this is going to devolve into? "You're a noob."?  That's your argument?  I usually, connection willing, don't average out on the bottom two-thirds of my team.  So what do you expect me to do then? Turn on god-mode and single-handedly kill half the other team?  Share with us your magnificent wisdom as to why the autobalancer should remain broken.
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Offline Sniger

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thomek can i have the game you are playing?

im often in top half or top 1/3 (if im not top1 :D) and i dont really recognize wtf you are typing there lol

i think that thomek needs to demand a little bit more from his games. i think thomek has been in the shit too long, now he is use to it.

kind of stockholm syndrome  :lol:
« Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 10:32:59 pm by Sniger »

Offline Kafein

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If you get on "the wrong end" of autobalancer that much, it means you don't do much for your team. Either in kills or other ways. You would most likely be on the loosing team even if balance was completely random.

I'm playing alone most of the time and I have zero complaints. I also try and often succeed in turning the tide for the team. Sometimes I command.

I like the challenge of being against a stack be it siege or battle.

Some people think they are entitled to a 50/50 win loss ratio. You are not, you have to earn it no matter how fair the autobalancer is made.

That's just not how cRPG's teambalancer works Thomek. Being part of a bannerstacking clan increases your odds of winning hugely, regardless of whether your are good or not as individual. That's unfair with respect to other players of the same level of skill.

If anything being a good individual player makes the odds of you getting multi smaller, because independent good players are often put on the pub team, while the bottom of the leaderboard is mostly random. So in a situation where the clan stack wins every round (which is pretty damn common these days), you are better off being a bad pub than a good pub.

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The losses and unfairness caused by bannerbalance are minimal.

Very important factors for your wins and losses are:

* Ranged/cav in team composition have influence
* The average skill and general composition of the team
* the map and starting positions
* Your own performance
* Ranged reticule randomness aka luck
* Teamwork willingness of either team
* Wether the sheep turns left or right.
* Most of all, your own performance and teamwork or commanding

The gains to gameplay caused by bannerbalance are great:

* Actual teamwork and ideas getting implemented causing variation and interesting situations.
* The fun for the clan players in cooperating.

Solution if you have a problem:
* Start commanding or simply chatting in teamchat, or signaling, hanging on to other players. Do Teamwork. There is this merc shielder (forgot nick) who manages to create "A clan" even when he plays alone. People follow him because they know he's good and never dies.

* Join a clan. They don't ask much if anything these days, they have armories, they can fix you up in strat battles, and you get to "leech the banner".

Sorry, imo this percieved problem lies mostly in the head of people looking for something to blame their losses on.

I've only played this for 4 years, probably mostly alone, and I cannot recall more than a handful of times where clanstacking truly was unfair or impossible to beat.
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.

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As long as ranged, melee cav, ranged cav, and infantry are somewhat similar in number, I think most other aspects would work themselves out, with more emphasis on the ranged classes. Melee has so many gear options that they can counter each other easily with a simple gear shift.

Quite often a map favors one side (or a certain team composition that a side coincidentally has). Other times, the team doesn't work together in a way that utilize their strengths. For instance, they may fight in the open when the other team has cav dominance, or the support from their own team's cav/range dominance is hindered by the location of the fight. You'll still see problems under perfect balance, but it should still make some sense anyways.

Offline Kafein

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The losses and unfairness caused by bannerbalance are minimal.

How comes clan stacks can maintain x5 during hours then ?

Offline Teeth

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A group of players from the same clan as a huge effect on the cohesion of the team, which in turn has a huge effect on the winning chances of a team. Even if there are like 4 Byzantiums on, our easily recognizable banner and us usually picking a direction early ensures many people follow us. Creating a rapetrain not actually consisting out of clannies, but people following the clannies. We make decisions when to fight and when not to fight and the randoms usually follow us in these decisions. If a team consists of only randoms without communication, nobody wants to go in alone, people spread out, run away and then the team loses. This effect oon cohesion that a group with the same banner has, regardless of their individual skill or level, should not be understated.

If you find yourself on the non-stack team you are usually losing because of a lack of cohesion, people running away and not fighting when they should, not because of a disadvantage in skill. Our stack usually fucking sucks these days, but we create cohesion nonetheless and win. This also means that you as a solo player can beat the stack by inspiring cohesion in your team. I have done this myself countless of times, throwing out a a quick 'FOLLOW BAT 1' and then going somewhere usually has half the team following you. Most randoms like cohesion, they just don't know how to achieve it. The group of 12 clannies suddenly doesn't seem so strong when faced by a cohesive group of randoms.

Banner balance can work fine as long as it takes the effect a banner group can have into account. A player part of a banner stack should be regarded as a bigger player by the balancer than he would have been if he were to be judged individually. This creates teams that are always stacked against the banner group, which means that banner groups that are simply stacking will get absolutely wrecked because of a disadvantage in sheer skill and levels. I think the balancer should even do unfair team numbers. Put 40 against 32 players or something. I don't mind, I love a challenge.

For those people that are saying that clans should not be able to play together, fuck off you anti-social bastards. I don't have half the fun playing on my own as I have playing with my buddies on the same team.

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 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i regret clicking to read that teeth, i really do. what a load of crap, seriously.

but sure i agree, its more fun to rape than being raped. quit the lame "ohdoh i wanna play with my clan matez ohdoh i like teamwork ohdoh"

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"But, your honor, we were teamworking"

you are justifing your fucking unfair gameplay spamming "TEAMWORK TEAMWORK".



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its like being part of a 3rd division lowlevel football team. every time you go to club to play, you are facing a 1st division dreamteam. and this dreamteam is whining when you say that you dont wanna play them.


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also you are saying that a random team cant win because its random. you have been in the shit for too long. you are use to the way of banner balance, you are using it to the max. of course you say like you do! its only naturel to be biased in your situation.

real gamers have hivemind. they have the ability to teamwork with randoms.

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fucking pissing me off. you are fucking manipulating. making it sound so innocent "just a couple of friends having fun playing toghter, not their fault that all the socalled "randoms" follows us creating massive blob rapetrain".

but thats just how it is when you are a good writer and know your words. you are able to manipulate and fuck around painting colorful mirages

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I have been a pub for some time now. Never had that much of an issue with this. I think its confirmation bias again.

I mean, no1 remembers the countless rounds where the balance was ok, you just remember the ones when you got roflstomped.
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Offline Teeth

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Wow, Sniger can you stop going full retard about this all the time and quit projecting mentalities onto everyone that is in a clan. I hate being on the stacking team as much as on the other team, some of my best experiences in this game have been trying to beat the stack by motivating my teammates or teamworking with my clanmates. If there was a button to switch myself to the losing team I'd probably be one of the people using it the most. Winning easily is boring in any game and I don't give a fuck about a multiplier. It is clear that you can't see past your own little delusions about how the world works, so please stop spamming them in 12 million posts.

Hell I am even arguing against current banner balance and stating that banner groups have a huge influence on the chance of their team winning and should be balanced as such, yet you manage to read only 'banner balance is fine' in there.

Offline Sniger

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I mean, no1 remembers the countless rounds where the balance was ok, you just remember the ones when you got roflstomped.

heres how it is: you log on and then you are forced to take the beating for 30-50mins, after that you will get pretty ok x5, too much x5 if you ask me! BUT ITS FUCKED UP! NOONE CBA TO BE RAPED FOR 30MINS BEFORE THEY CAN START TO PLAY. lol :)

Offline Sniger

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its about fucking time someone goes full retard on banner balance and every single BB fanboy. this abusive shit has been going on for years. i admit when we had 100+ players (200+ were best) BB were alot better than it is now (i still didnt like it) but we DO NOT have 200+ players, nor 100+ players, we are happy if we have fucking 50 players!! AND WHY?! BANNER FUCKING BALANCE!


im not the only with these thoughts, but everyone else shut up and keep quiet cos they wanna keep their cool or they afraid of community retaliation both on forum but also ingame.

im taking one for the team and turn on full retard mode. im fucking tired of this shit. fucking lobbyists. sure, im getting TKed and THed and no help in-game, cool, im a martyr. honestly i dont give a flying fuck anymore.
