
Reduce speed bonus for 1h cav

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Author Topic: Nerf 1h cav damage.  (Read 21620 times)

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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2014, 02:06:08 pm »
Mustikki I think 2h wep with shield goes into 1h cav catagory because it uses 1h proficiency. There's also long iron mace you forgot to consider (recent patch allowed it to be used on horseback)

2h can choose to use shield. Backstab -> Without shield.; Frontal attack -> With shield. -> Less damage due to 1h proficiency.
Where 1h doesn't get advantage attacking without shield.

Yea, there is persian axes too on 2h category with even higher slash damage.

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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2014, 02:57:02 pm »
Just nerf Tyr, keep him happy.
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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2014, 03:53:36 pm »
Learn to play 1h cav and maybe you will realize it is OP. The entire point of being on a horse is that you pretty much never have to fight the experienced infantry player that is aware of your presence, just go somewhere else and take 50% hp of the experienced infantry in full plate with 76 head and body armor who is currently distracted by 2 infantry trying to bash his skull in and the approaching cav from the other side. I think it was Mustikki yesterday who took over 50% of my hp while I had nearly max head armour in the game. The problem is the damage output which allows you to rack up so much kills so fast on players that can currently not fend you off..

Yep, damage is too high and there should be a hard limit on the speed bonus - after all in reality something will eventually give when you try to hit something too hard, most likely your wrist. However a big nerf on the damage only for 1H cav would make lance cav far superior as it would do as much damage and have superior range. Imo a nerf to the speed bonus all around (except maybe for couching) inc infantry (nerf to extreme agiwhoring) would be better for balance.

And as you well know on Strat where groups are more organized 1H cav would just run into your long spear most of the time. A lot of 1H superiority on EU1 comes down to people apparently having no sounds nor patience to look around before engaging in melee for too long. Also archers having no protection helps racking up kills ;)

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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #33 on: February 04, 2014, 04:10:30 pm »
Slightly higher dmg? 15/21 1h cav builds do more dmg than 21/15 lancer builds, its a fact ive tested it
Shorter Length? i think not the ghost range on the Arabian is ridiculous
Lancer puts his horse at risk as well , the new stabs make it hard for you not to lose health on your horse for either class.

you forgot when standing still 1h cav does a lot more damage then lancer cav, lanccer cav ned the speed while 1h don't.

Its been OP for a long time

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im playing as lancer for almost 2 years.
few weeks ago i started play as 1h cav, and atm im 18/19 build, not even full build yet and only thing i can say its fucking hilarious how OP it is.....
 i just stop lancer as 1h and hit his horse one or two times and he is down... easy
and no its not expensive, most of the time im earning gold as 1h cav

so basicly 1h cav is op for long time
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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #34 on: February 04, 2014, 05:00:25 pm »
Also angles at which is torso able to spin are hilarious. Specially back swings able to hit targets behind horse.

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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #35 on: February 04, 2014, 05:14:54 pm »
Don't forget that 2hand cav, while being much more difficult to use, also gets a 25% (or more, I forget) penalty while being used on horseback, because of ~reasons.~

1hand cav, gets no such penalty. So basically the Arabian Cavalry Sword is more powerful than any 2hand weapon in the game on horseback. For no reason.

And there is no damage penalty for using 2hand weapons on horseback with a shield because they are already penalized merely for being a 2hander.

So basically, there is no reason at all to be anything but 1hand cavalry.

I'm an experienced cavalry player and 1hand cav is incredibly easy and does way more damage than any other cav class, with all the bullshit that shield gets you. Its definitely stupid, but using a +3 Lance feels just as/sometimes more OP, since it hasn't been nerfed to shit like the Heavy Lance, and it racks up kills fast.

2hand cavalry is the least effective and most frustrating to play, since it has nothing but downsides compared to the other cav classes.
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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #36 on: February 04, 2014, 05:27:35 pm »
If nothing has changed, the weapon penalty is:

    if (weapon_type == 'two_handed' or weapon_type == 'polearm') and (has_shield or mounted):
            raw_damage *= 0.85
            if weapon_type == 'polearm':
                    raw_damage *= 0.85
            if weapon_flags & itp_two_handed:
                    raw_damage *= 0.9

That means it should be 0.85 * 0.9, or 23.5%

But if you take this code literally, these 2h weapons don't have the itp_two_handed weapon flag when I look at it:
Bastard Sword
Morningstar (LOL)
Heavy Bastard Sword

Pretty much all 2h/1h split weapons. They have the weapon tag itp_type_two_handed_wpn. Does this mean that these weapons only get a 15% penalty? Perhaps, but it can go either way depending on whether or not things have changed. My feelings when I easily get 1shot by some of the weapons above point towards yes.

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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #37 on: February 04, 2014, 06:11:38 pm »
    if (weapon_type == 'two_handed' or weapon_type == 'polearm') and (has_shield or mounted):
            raw_damage *= 0.85
That means it should be 0.85 * 0.9, or 23.5%
Which leads to another question - why 1h cav isn't affected by this?
It's same situation with weapon speed - pole and 2h cav got slower weapon speed on horseback than on the ground, but 1h cav seems to be uneffected by this penalty. Even if they make a mistake and stop their horse on some object, they can still easily defend themselves or even kill players on the ground.
Right now 1h cav is the only class without penalties on horseback - they are amazingly effective on horse, and when their horse dies, they just turn to regular shielder (who can always call for a new horse). I just don't see any logical explanation, why 1h cav didn't get any penalties in cRPG yet.


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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #38 on: February 04, 2014, 06:15:21 pm »
Why don't  you fucking retards think about the amount of damage output 2h cav does first. As if a god damn morningstar don't 1 shot a full str build in plate armor anyway, lets be a retarded dev and add long iron mace that you can use on horseback, are you fucking kidding me? 35B damage with knockdown. 1h cav is not shit compared to 2h cav. Also who complains about fast horses anyhow, you should be praising them considering they get 1 or 2 shot anyhow by the fucking 100 archers on the server at any time. You fuck sticks know nothing about balance and continue to drive this shit game even further into the ground. Devs I got an idea, stop listening to these complaining retards, you have done it for too long already, and now look at what you did to the game. Fucked it
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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #39 on: February 04, 2014, 06:23:29 pm »
If anything can kill a 2her it's OP.

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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #40 on: February 04, 2014, 09:08:37 pm »
Why don't  you fucking retards think about the amount of damage output 2h cav does first. As if a god damn morningstar don't 1 shot a full str build in plate armor anyway, lets be a retarded dev and add long iron mace that you can use on horseback, are you fucking kidding me? 35B damage with knockdown. 1h cav is not shit compared to 2h cav. Also who complains about fast horses anyhow, you should be praising them considering they get 1 or 2 shot anyhow by the fucking 100 archers on the server at any time. You fuck sticks know nothing about balance and continue to drive this shit game even further into the ground. Devs I got an idea, stop listening to these complaining retards, you have done it for too long already, and now look at what you did to the game. Fucked it

Hahaha. The thing is those 2hand weapon stats are a lie on horseback. They lose roughly 25 percent of the damage

So a +3 Longsword is actually around 30 cut when used on horseback.  A +3 Arabian Cavalry Sword is 36 cut.

That's kind of fucking retarded. Then add using a shield on top of it and all that provides.

I don't get why that penalty exists in the first place. Not having a shield is a penalty in itself.

I don't really mind 1hand or 2hand cav, but the ACS is probably overpowered, and I only think 1hand cav is BS when I think about that weapon and how much damage it does, on top of its reach. Its way better than HBS or Longsword from horseback, which makes no sense.
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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #41 on: February 04, 2014, 09:10:32 pm »
2h cav needs a buff, PERIOD!!!

I've never played a server where people split up as much or as often as on EU1.  No wonder range is having a field day.

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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #42 on: February 04, 2014, 09:50:13 pm »
Nerf rock, paper is fine. 


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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #43 on: February 04, 2014, 09:57:21 pm »
I thought the 2h malus was simply because it is (usually) a bigass weapon that you would usually wield in 2 hands (duh), but when on horseback it is only held in 1 hand, making it weaker. And guess what, 1h weapons do not have this little problem! (same with pole+shield or pole on horse).
Also, if I understand it correctly, I the slower a weapon is, the more it is affected by speed bonus, which would make the slower 2h weapons capable of higher damage effectively reducing the malus significantly. (if you hit well, if you don't you would go even further down).

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Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« Reply #44 on: February 04, 2014, 10:09:18 pm »
Polearms also get a damage and speed malus from horseback. 

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