- make MOTF appear in the beginning and be the only condition to win the map
No thanks, I really don't like that idea.
I like, however thomek's idea. It would be great if a new system was developped and tested every few maps.
Either a seriously changed proximity system or the long announced score system with a serious overhaul to the score calculation:
*proximity system, different xp and gold count based on the weapon you perform the dmg with?:
-inf should stick together and fight in a group
-ranged should also stick together on a distance of the infantry and shoot in the enemy mob (no kiting unless in a team, no f'ing shotgunning from point blank range).
-again, cav is a though one. They should be charging in packs and group up every time they want to charge again.
-gold: if it was really so bad before I suggest an overall higher gold gain than the old proximity system. Upkeep should certainly stay!
*A score based system, with a different score calculation:
-currently score is a bit too much in the odds of daggermen (if they play smart). It gives a bit too much points for the amount of damage they do because they are able to stab extremely fast.
-staying in the big mob is also not always the best way to gain score atm, waiting a bit and being able to survive a bit longer is often smarter than helping your team in the main charge.
-basically the same points as for the proximity system count here. Ranged should get proximity bonus from other ranged around them hitting targets and not from being close to the infantery. Cavalry should probably need to get some kind of support bonus for the infantry they managed to run over resulting in a friendly mplayer managing to kill that person.
That's all I can come up for now. I suggest implemtenting a very rough system and waiting for feedback. This wau certain classes can get a bit more or less xp for their actions so all (useful) classes get about the same
Yes, personally I don't really care if my troll alt gets massive xp or not. I have fun with it even when I'm playing against the system.