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Author Topic: Cheating or not: editing game textures  (Read 10986 times)

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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #135 on: January 15, 2014, 07:22:39 pm »
I'm not sure I understand... Jeade is an archer.   :rolleyes:  He's simply saying his attempts at camouflaging himself are futile if he's holding a pink bow, shooting dildos, on some people's screen.

"Get a shield lol" is a snide remark that aims to reflect the emptyness of that said remark when thrown around without sarcasm as a pseudo argument in discussions about ranged, by using it in an unrelated context in which a shield would indeed offer similar help as when used for its intended purpose.

I hope that was clear but basically it's me telling Jeade to deal with it

Also I have trouble being empathetic of people that not only use ranged weaponry but on top of that choose their equipment to be harder to spot. I can't care less if his efforts at being an asshat are futile.

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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #136 on: January 15, 2014, 07:43:35 pm »
"Get a shield lol" is a snide remark that aims to reflect the emptyness of that said remark when thrown around without sarcasm as a pseudo argument in discussions about ranged, by using it in an unrelated context in which a shield would indeed offer similar help as when used for its intended purpose.

I understand now.. And its actually kind of funny.  :)
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #137 on: January 15, 2014, 08:39:58 pm »
Can't stuff that's obnoxious and hard to see be made easier to see by default? I don't want to edit textures, but I don't want to go blind either.

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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #138 on: January 15, 2014, 09:08:13 pm »
So basically most of the scum that use this are ranged and those that kill ranged.... We should ban all the cheating ranged and the rest of the ranged will die get destroit by the rest of the cheaters. All joking aside I don't understand cheating in this shit game. No one who gives a fuck who's at the top of the scoreboard. I fucking and I would never cheat at this game. I sure all the cheaters have "good" arguments in favor of these cheats, but at the end of the day you are still scum who has to do everything to do well at some shit mod for a shitty game that came out forever ago and no one gives a fuck about you or your neckbeard.
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #139 on: January 15, 2014, 09:21:31 pm »
So basically most of the scum that use this are ranged and those that kill ranged.... We should ban all the cheating ranged and the rest of the ranged will die get destroit by the rest of the cheaters. All joking aside I don't understand cheating in this shit game. No one who gives a fuck who's at the top of the scoreboard. I fucking and I would never cheat at this game. I sure all the cheaters have "good" arguments in favor of these cheats, but at the end of the day you are still scum who has to do everything to do well at some shit mod for a shitty game that came out forever ago and no one gives a fuck about you or your neckbeard.

It's not cheating. Fog is gay you can't deny it. Devs fault for not removing it. Native missiles were better. And i love being able to customize the color of whatever gear.

Of what Bob mentioned only transparent buildings (which seems like wallhack) and no bushes is borderline cheating.
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #140 on: January 15, 2014, 09:34:55 pm »
Fog is not even a problem other than cheeto mist. Even max Fog is not a problem because the maps never change so i know where to go. NAtive missles are not better. They look like you are shooting javelins. Customizing Gear is different from changing the entire color of an item to bright pink or purple just so you can see them easier.
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #141 on: January 15, 2014, 09:43:54 pm »
Fog is not even a problem other than cheeto mist. Even max Fog is not a problem because the maps never change so i know where to go. NAtive missles are not better. They look like you are shooting javelins. Customizing Gear is different from changing the entire color of an item to bright pink or purple just so you can see them easier.

Fog is annoying
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #142 on: January 15, 2014, 09:47:01 pm »
Fog is annoying
True, but it's making new possibilities. You kan sneak to back of your enemies, and it's easier to trick someone. It's great for x-bow hide and shoot tactic.
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #143 on: January 15, 2014, 09:49:09 pm »
I'm not a fan of rain or night time, but fog is actually kind of cool.  It can take maps everybody knows, and throw a kink in them.  One time fog was so thick that people didn't even know they were playing on the map "Field by a river" for a few minutes into the round (some didn't know for multiple rounds if they died early).  It changes where people naturally flow on the maps, which is a good thing IMO. 

Only problem with weather like "fog" is that it's client side only, meaning you can join before or after and not get hit with fog.  It should be a server variable.
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #144 on: January 15, 2014, 09:51:41 pm »
This argument about weather being annoying and people wanting to remove it, like seriously weather can't be controlled and it should be the same for every player that way no one has an advantage of see through it. Playing cav or a ninja character in the fog can be a lot of fun when you get the drop on people with pikes or they get you but its different and allows more variety in the gameplay.

I love the damn heirloom pack it makes all the weapons look simply better to me though I will admit arrows are a lot easier to track than they were before simply because I can see them midair now. Though I still cant find snowflakes once thrown or daggers and most of the time I cant even find my damn war darts. And not gonna lie if i used that pink bow highlighter colors for arrows I would be so hard to shoot on my horse. As it is I've already gotten really good at predicting and dodging arrows, even on foot I can run up to most archers and proceed bash their faces in for shooting at me (except for kelden). Then to go further with it and add neon orange to pikes and other horse rearing weapons, damn the game probably wouldn't even be fun for me at that point it would be so easy to see and predict people coming at me. Because thats the fastest way i get dehorsed is misjudging a polearm for something else.

Honestly it doesn't affect me because it won't change the way I play or even make me less effective at this game at this point. It is garbage that people feel entitled that they deserve an edge in a game just so they can brag about how good they are for a hollow victory. Maybe I care too much about this game since I have a lot fun dueling and pummeling people in battle but whatever thats how I feel about this subject
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #145 on: January 15, 2014, 09:57:53 pm »
Get the open brf and edit them to look cooler with blue and other sexy neon colors. Mine looks so awesome and then the 2h swords that looks like lightsabers is just too much lol.

Would you mind removing the pink bow part of the file then please  :mrgreen: then the archers dont have to worry about the bows being pink and no more QQ. Just send me the file and ill put it on the thread.
Here, dear crpg folk, we have an honest man who doesn't conceal the truth out of the fear of getting nerfed. He surely deserves a round of heartfelt applause.

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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #146 on: January 15, 2014, 10:03:02 pm »
Would you mind removing the pink bow part of the file then please  :mrgreen: then the archers dont have to worry about the bows being pink and no more QQ. Just send me the file and ill put it on the thread.

I don't care about pink objects, i'm just shooting everyone. I'm wondering how they feel when getting shot to death by flying pink dildo XD
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #147 on: January 15, 2014, 10:05:11 pm »
I don't care about pink objects, i'm just shooting everyone. I'm wondering how they feel when getting shot to death by flying pink dildo XD

LOL would be exciting, but im talking about the pack has it so all the bows are pink too, not just the arrows, so people cant "hide" effectively and its just something I want berenger to remove if he can so people can "hide" again.
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #148 on: January 15, 2014, 10:05:51 pm »
I don't care about pink objects, i'm just shooting everyone. I'm wondering how they feel when getting shot to death by flying pink dildo XD

Probably no different than they normally do.  Gay.   :rolleyes:
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #149 on: January 15, 2014, 10:10:37 pm »
Would you mind removing the pink bow part of the file then please  :mrgreen: then the archers dont have to worry about the bows being pink and no more QQ. Just send me the file and ill put it on the thread.

So it's just the arrows being pink? Or any other color? Sure i'll send it.
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