nice patch!
a few things for next patch
- 1h stabs, needs to be somewhere inbetween what is now and before they had been buffed so tremendiously over the top, there was once the concept left swing = fast; right swing = longer reach, stab = more damage; exchanging these concepts with each other is ok aslong not one of them is doing the job of 2. Have the stabs with the longest reach, but not also being then the fastest attack, right swings then with dmg buff to be the most damaging one slower and less reach perhaps.
- kicks formost still too long range/reach(reduce by 2/3 of current range), but also a touch too wide angle(reduce by about 10°).
- 2h ghost stab reach and hitting around corners ...
- Nomad Bow Gattling Laser with pinipoint accuracy ...
- is it only me who cant even see the animations of GLA,LA,GLB at times when they spam? what is of there, this is the case for a long time
- redo of team balance, less focus on clan stacking , more on equal teams(same amount of every class rerpesented and same amount of good players(score/K|D ratio), perhaps even breaking off clan stacking alltogether(if we get rid of gank squads differetnly even better, make flancing an option at least)
also i am hoping for the suggestion of Rumblood