The first gen that rohypnol didn't do his my old friendgy HX build this happened:
I was the last one left on my team and I was a HX. There were three people left on the other team: rohypnol as strength/plated shielder, San, and a 2h kuyak hero. I started working them down by shooting the 2h kuyak hero by shooting him from a safe distance and eded up killing him. I then noticed it, I only had the loaded bolt left, no others. I decided that I would rather duel rohypnol than San so I had to bump shoot San in order to get him. I ended up bump killing him.
Then it happened, rohypnol was trying to hide behind some objects so that I couldn't bump him. I ended up jumping over the objects and knocking rohypnol over and headshot him.
All of those bundle of sticksish time that rohypnol would go my old friend mode as HX were paid up for and it felt great.
I remember that, if I recall I don't think I knew that was you. I was so slow back then, I was bump feast =D So many hopeless standoffs against HX back then.
Mine is still the 24 v 2, tag teamed with Miley on that map with the tunnels inside of the hill. In the larger open room with the stairs, side tunnel, and main entrance, we were surrounded by at least 5-8 people in the room at all times. Somehow, foes just started to fall one by one as we weaved, blocked incoming attacks we couldn't dodge, and furiously attacked back. After the initial onslaught, we miraculously survived. The people that were left began to trickle in from the main entrance, making dispatching each one much easier. At the time, I was shocked at the extreme favor and sheer luck of it all.
The fact that it was a successful tag team makes it more memorable than extreme odds by myself.