Author Topic: The Castle Doctrine  (Read 2036 times)

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The Castle Doctrine
« on: December 30, 2013, 07:53:57 pm »
I know, i know its a controversial topic, but im not here to push some sort of idea upon you, im here to introduce you to a game created by someone using the the name to create a game with distinct characteristics.  Ill try and explain as best as i can, so here it goes.

The Castle Doctrine is a game about you, a player whose name you do not know, living in a community, who all do the same thing, they protect what they have, by any means necessary, while taking what others have, to further invest in what they have.  You as the man of the household, create a series of traps, fake doorways, rooms, and whatever else you can come up with to defend your household from the incoming assault it must endure.  These traps are used to defend your family and your vault, both of which you hold value in.  Your vault holds half of your families networth, while your wife holds the other, meaning they both are of importance to you.  Your wife will attempt to escape the house once she is spotted, however she is not helpless, unless you let her be, she can trigger traps, and pick up a shotgun to defend herself with, or you can assist in her protection with ferocious pitbulls. 
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Once you have built your little hovel of death, you can venture out to other homes, attempting to break their trickery and take what they have as your plunder.  This however is no easy task, as one false move spells death, permadeath, to which you start back over again, with nothing but a new family, and the starting $2000 dollars.  To ease the task of breaking in to other homes, you may bring along a assortment of tools, all with different abilities and prices to aid in your survival.  Of course these houses are all possible to break in to, because the game makes you test them before you can put it up for others to try.  Your test run is done without any tools, and while in this run, you can very well die, and begin again, with nothing, so it is of the utmost importance, you be careful, or risk it all.  While you are offline, you are at risk of your house being robbed, however thats what you want, you want people to come and try, because for every man that dies within the walls of your home, you gain the bounty of that player, and all the tools he brought with him.  You will know you were robbed when you arrive back home, finding your house in dismay, but not to worry, your house is outfitted with a security camera, and you can watch every blunder the robber makes, until his death.  This essentially makes you like a would be Saw movie, giving someone the possibility for life, if they can figure out how to live.
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This game is a top down, 8 bit game, which makes it look a little crumby, however, the gameplay is what matters, and it definitely provides that.  It is in an alpha state, and is only $8.00 U.S as of this time, in alpha, and he plans on going to a full steam release by the end of January really opening up the playerbase.  I have only just started playing it, though i have been following it for a while, and i havent been able to find many of videos on it that werent old gameplay footage.  However, its definitely different, and to me its quite fun, i hope you enjoy it as well if you decide to join the neighborhood.
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Here is further info on it for anyone who didnt wish to read:
-Create your own treachery by designing a death house meant to withstand the assault of a would be robber, however it cannot be impossible, as you must run the gauntlet yourself to prove its fair.
-Rob others of their hard earned cash using tools.
-Permadeath, one wrong move, whether in your house, or another means death, and you start over with nothing.
-protect your family and its vault from murderers and robbers at any means necessary.
-a crapload of traps, from pitbulls, to live wires, or something as simple as an empty room with a locked door, you decide how to kill your robbers.
-top down 16bit game
-review the deaths or escapes of your victims in the house you created.

The only guys videos ive watched on the matter are Aavak, he seems to talk a lot and is very slow and meticulous, which means his videos can be long, and at times boring, id advise skipping some of the parts. But he follows the game for over a year, and can show you just how to play The Castle Doctrine

If you are wondering what castle doctrine is, it is a law in place in the United States allowing a person to defend his curtilage(means your home and the things directly surrounding it) by any means necessary up to and including the use of deadly force if he reasonably believes that deadly force may be used upon him or his family(can vary from state to state based on laws, however this is the gist of it).  However rigging your house with traps to inflict harm is illegal, and is not apart of the actual castle doctrine; However to add gameplay, this was introduced.  This of course is a controversial topic to many, including europeans, but i do not wish to discuss the legality and opinions but rather the gameplay.  If this game some how offends your beliefs, i apologize, but like all the europeans told me about the twin tower comments, go suck it the fuck up, and quit bitching(not meant toward anyone in particular).

here is the youtuber Aavak, he plays it at a slugs pace, and can show you a thing or two on how to play yourself
(click to show/hide)

Here is the website if you wish to look at it as well:

The wiki for the game, which doesnt have much in it, but can give you an idea on the game, and its content:

« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 02:25:28 pm by AntiBlitz »

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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2014, 04:28:32 pm »
That sounds very interesting indeed. I'll wait for Steam.
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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2014, 04:43:07 pm »
I was wondering whats controversial until i read the bottom bit :D Cant say people will be offended by this game and you seem to assume Europeans are horrified by the idea O.o

Might give it a go when it comes out, looks interesting  8-)
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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2014, 06:02:17 pm »
This seems oddly enjoyable.

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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2014, 06:15:02 pm »
Sounds fun, might just buy it.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2014, 07:56:31 pm »
I was wondering whats controversial until i read the bottom bit :D Cant say people will be offended by this game and you seem to assume Europeans are horrified by the idea O.o

Yeah, it's not like the Castle Doctrine is originally an English law or anything  :rolleyes:. I forgot native americans built teepee castles.  :lol:

Just busting your balls blitz  :P

EDIT: I forgot to say, this game looks like something I could have a lot of fun with.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 08:42:08 pm by Leesin »

Offline AntiBlitz

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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2014, 03:24:07 am »
Yeah, it's not like the Castle Doctrine is originally an English law or anything  :rolleyes:. I forgot native americans built teepee castles.  :lol:

Just busting your balls blitz  :P

EDIT: I forgot to say, this game looks like something I could have a lot of fun with.

i do not mind a little ball bashing.  The reference to "castle" is just meant to say that a mans home is his castle, and he should be able to defend it, to the death of a man.  I wasnt aware of any countries outside of the U.S that possessed such laws, so forgive me, i do not mean to insult anyone.

I was wondering whats controversial until i read the bottom bit :D Cant say people will be offended by this game and you seem to assume Europeans are horrified by the idea O.o

Might give it a go when it comes out, looks interesting  8-)

the problem with the game is essentially the title of the game which laws it stands around, its controversial for people who want to bitch and complain about things because they cant see past the fact that its a game.  They would rather kill thousands of innocent people in GTA5 with the blood turned off to not show violence, but bitch and moan about a game because of how it doesnt empower women, or it tells you to kill intruders in your house possibly coming to kill your family.  And quite frankly, since guns are a huge controversy, trust me i know, i remember the threads, i wasnt sure how it would have appealed to anyone who didnt believe in the ownership of them, basically europeans for the most part.

If this helps support my case at all, just read some of the controversy over this game, at one point in one of the articles, the reporter states how he denounces guns, and how he is from england, and thinks that you should shout at robbers to scare them off rather then harm them, because he said the human life is more precious then the things in the house.

This is the specific article i speak of, i took snippets out of all the articles to show you all:

"At this point, I was increasingly torn about how much to press the gun control issue. My own feelings are staunchly anti-gun and in truth I was a little taken aback by some of Jason Rohrer’s statements"

At this point they were talking about how the media coverage on shootings has been big and it created controversy on gun debates

Jason Rohrer: Yeah, cos you guys were all saying ‘see? Haha, aren’t we glad we don’t have guns in England’, right?

RPS: We’re not laughing, but pretty much.

Jason Rohrer: Not laughing, but being a little bit snooty about it I’m assuming.

RPS: Maybe there’s a ‘told you so’ element, but the NRA doesn’t seem to want to hear that.

Jason Rohrer: Right. And me personally, and this is pretty unusual in the games industry, I’m someone who’s a strong believer in gun rights. Not that I own guns, but it frightens me the idea that – and this is a very American idea as well – the only people with automatic weapons walking around are police and military people. That frightens me. Because I’ve had run-ins with police, and I can imagine run-ins with the military in the future or something, and the idea that someone in power might have these things but the people who are being governed just are not allowed to have them. I’m assuming that British police are allowed access to guns, right?

RPS: [Cautiously] In some circumstances, but not in general.

Jason Rohrer: I don’t mean they carry them on their hip, but in the case of like a big drug raid or something they would have them, right? When they need them they have them. So those kinds of things… I don’t own a gun right now, but I want to be able to own one if I decide to, and I don’t want that right taken away from me. I’m also in the classic thing, ‘if you outlaw guns then only outlaws will have guns.’ For the most part I’m a law-abiding citizen and I wouldn’t want to have to go into the underworld to acquire a gun."

how the fuck were u taken back? what did you expect from a guy who made a game about the castle doctrine? this reporters vagina needs a gurdle its hanging so low.  Actually i would almost feel offended at the fact that he is a reporter, and should have like a magical shield for repressing his personal beliefs for the betterment of the story, he shouldnt be so emotionally attached to this as he is being.

these are other ones bitching and whining:

"It's easy to see what's wrong with this picture. Firstly, your wife is a passive object, to be protected in the same way as your money and your vault. Her value is only monetary. If she dies holding 2,000 of your dollars, it's a setback because you've lost cash, not because a woman has died.

Secondly, the politics are indefensibly straightforward. The Castle Doctrine assumes that everyone who violates private property means to cause harm, and that stopping them by force is always acceptable. It fails to discuss mitigating factors such as geography, circumstance or the personal prejudices of the home-owner. It uniformly approves of the US legal principle from which it gets its name. It says anything is permissible in the name of self-defence.

The Castle Doctrine is morally bankrupt."
"especially considering that you can play only as a man and that the highest in-game payout comes when you murder someone else's wife. The game is a man-on-man murder simulation where the woman and children are all property."

"Some obvious issues with this setup: women and children are property that are essentially resources in the male-on-male violence that makes up the game; this is yet another example of the “dadification” of games where you play a grizzled man who has to do what he has to do, which is invariably killing other people; this is one more example of the infinite apologism around the fetish of violence in games. All of these things are true and they’re wrong"

"In this model, Rohrer’s safety and the safety of his family trumps the right to life of another human being. Any perceived threat to him or his family is met with a swift judgment on the offending party–he can kill the dog, he can kill the invader. Despite the fact that human beings are capable of speech and therefore can yell things like “get out of my house” or “fuck you” in order to force a would-be burglar to leave, for Rohrer, none of that matters. "

But on a different note, i had a fabulous house up, i was living like a king with the giant death camp i had created, i then went to test some things in my house, became a little complacent and walked over a electric floor killing myself.  Now im back to square one :(  ill achieve greatness again eventually.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 02:26:32 pm by AntiBlitz »

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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2014, 08:31:08 am »
i do not mind a little ball bashing.  The reference to "castle" is just meant to say that a mans home is his castle, and he should be able to defend it, to the death of a man.  I wasnt aware of any countries outside of the U.S that possessed such laws, so forgive me, i do not mean to insult anyone.

Haha no worries man I was just pointing out that most Europeans probably already understand the idea of the law.

" The term derives from the historic English common law dictum that "an Englishman's home is his castle". This concept was established as English law by 17th century jurist Sir Edward Coke, in his The Institutes of the Laws of England, 1628. The dictum was carried by colonists to the New World, who later removed "English" from the phrase, making it "a man's home is his castle", which thereby became simply the castle doctrine"

I don't think it matters what the game involves tbh, if it's violence of any sort there's always some polly pissy pants out there that will cry about it, but luckily this forum is for a violent game so hopefully no one on here is one of those whiners, hopefully.  :lol:

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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2014, 02:28:23 pm »
How is this controversial ? The game sounds fun and hilarously well designed.

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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2014, 03:12:35 pm »
I suppose the idea behind the whole thing seems controversial? I quess it is, but not that much. Killing hookers in GTA or very graphically suffocating a person with a plasticbag in Manhunt seems far worse.

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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2014, 04:26:31 pm »
Shout at intruders? :D screw that Im English, if you break into my house don't expect to leave in the same condition you came in :D   Any idea when this game will be out?
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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2014, 07:55:30 pm »
Shout at intruders? :D screw that Im English, if you break into my house don't expect to leave in the same condition you came in :D   Any idea when this game will be out?

its out now if you go to the website i listed, you can buy it in its alpha state for $8.00.  He stated it will be coming out on steam by the end of the month, he was just finishing up steams massive amount crap they make you do prior to it being released on it.  As far as a finish build date, i havent a clue, but he is def. active, and if you go on the forums at all, he is very quick to respond and listen to new ideas, since i have had the game, its gone through just around 3 builds in around 1 month.

it comes in an email, with the key to activate it.

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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2014, 08:33:28 pm »
Sounds like fun, but not very controversial even to my european self. Killing enemies is very common, whatever they are doing as long as they are going against your virtual you.

Arent you using this game to show your ideas to the world Blitz?  :P  I dont blame you, it interest me.

In France most of the time someone shoot an intruder to death before he did anything bad, he is sent to remand prison for months/years and then pronounced guilty of homicide.
You must be somewhat wounded or the man must die gun in hand (but not in the back) to not go to jail. The subject of defending one's own life/things easily derail into: killing=homicide=jail whatever the situation  :|  Each time it feels so stupid that there is a lot of protest going to liberate the "killer"-victim but justice is very severe.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 08:39:30 pm by Butan »

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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2014, 09:44:22 pm »
Sounds like fun, but not very controversial even to my european self. Killing enemies is very common, whatever they are doing as long as they are going against your virtual you.

Arent you using this game to show your ideas to the world Blitz?  :P  I dont blame you, it interest me.

In France most of the time someone shoot an intruder to death before he did anything bad, he is sent to remand prison for months/years and then pronounced guilty of homicide.
You must be somewhat wounded or the man must die gun in hand (but not in the back) to not go to jail. The subject of defending one's own life/things easily derail into: killing=homicide=jail whatever the situation  :|  Each time it feels so stupid that there is a lot of protest going to liberate the "killer"-victim but justice is very severe.

For a long while in England it became the same, the laws became retarded, they softened against the intruder and hardened up against the people defending themselves, their family and their home, with people being convicted of crimes for wounding/killing an intruder in their own home.

 But recently proper laws were put back into place again, essentially giving us our Castle Doctrine back and allowing us to use force and weapons against an intruder without fear of prosecution. But there is a limit, i.e if you have won the fight and he has either fled or is down/injured, you shouldn't continue to beat him or kill him, or you may face prosecution yourself if it is deemed that the intruder was no longer a threat, but you carried on with your assault.

Regardless, I am happy to know that the law will be on my side if some scumbag breaks into my home and I hit him in the skull with my billy club.

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Re: The Castle Doctrine
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2014, 09:59:17 pm »
Sounds like fun, but not very controversial even to my european self. Killing enemies is very common, whatever they are doing as long as they are going against your virtual you.

Arent you using this game to show your ideas to the world Blitz?  :P  I dont blame you, it interest me.

In France most of the time someone shoot an intruder to death before he did anything bad, he is sent to remand prison for months/years and then pronounced guilty of homicide.
You must be somewhat wounded or the man must die gun in hand (but not in the back) to not go to jail. The subject of defending one's own life/things easily derail into: killing=homicide=jail whatever the situation  :|  Each time it feels so stupid that there is a lot of protest going to liberate the "killer"-victim but justice is very severe.

i actually do support this, lol, though it wasnt my intention to force views, thats why i stuck away from the political part of it, and just talked about the game itself.  I cant really remember how the hell i even found it, but when i did, i knew this game was a little gem.  I was actually iffy about sharing it on here, i figured i was goin to get blasted for it, then i figured fuck it, theyll hate me all the same anyways.

not being allowed to shoot people in the back is a misconception by the public, people deem that someone who  has turned their back meant they were fleeing and in turn you can no longer shoot them in the back, which isnt necessarily the case, and considering you have no idea what the persons intentions are while they have their back turned, you cannot make assumptions, just act on what you feel is occurring based on the factors at hand, like distance, his means of egress, if you saw a weapon, did he just assault you or others? so many factors and so little time to react, considering he could be fleeing, then not even turn to look, just bring his arm back and shoot at you as he is running and he strikes you and kills you, not even trying, just shooting blindly, or maybe he plans to get better ground to shoot back, or attack you as you follow him to a doorway.  But anyways most people do not know this, and its sad, considering that when you are sitting in court, these are the people who are judging your life, people who dont know the law, people who just put you in jail because you shot a robber, or clubbed a robber in your home.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 10:09:55 pm by AntiBlitz »