Do you guys just sit on the side of the road all damn day and annoy the shit out of people, telling em about your atheistic beliefs and how everyone should obey&believe them?
That's exactly what religion, priests and religious lobbyists do; say everyone how to act, say what is sin, what is moral, even though I'm not interested in their opinion. And no, they don't say it hidden in churches, they come to media, government "and annoy the shit out of people, telling em about
their religious beliefs and how everyone should obey&believe them". Huh, poor religious people, bashed on the internet by evil atheists
where were all the 'brave internet warriors against religious fanaticism' 1000 years ago when being vocal on that subject required true bravery?
Yeah, why u didn't stop witch hunt 1000 years ago u internet warriors
You're free to believe what you want when you want, suddenly that isn't enough for most people, they have to go around being loud and obnoxious in their beliefs, trying to get everyone to believe the same thing as them,
You're right, religion is victimised
I'm very far from telling anyone what to do, especially what to believe, though don't see any reason why should I restrain myself from saying what I think about relgion. And if it "annoys the shit out of you"? Well, don't read then would be my advice probably.
My god, best god? is that how it works now?
Um? Definitely not mine.
Every religion is based on lies and fairy tales, and thats fine, if u belive in that kind of thing. Realistically religion used to be a great way of controling people and getting them to live their lives in a certain way. but we've come so much further than that now, it's not needed anymore, and it causes/ has caused so much trouble, war and death that could have been avoided if people didn't blindly believe in stupid outdated religion.
I see it everyday, i live in one of the most multi-cultural cities in the UK and the amount of religious based segregation is unreal, theres so much hate and rivaly, and for what?
That's why I
hate relgion - relgion, not relgious people, almost whole my family are catholics.