AFK leaders, yet refuses to select new Strat leaders. Always cried that the surrounding Hospitallers would rape them into the ground if they ever did anything that went slightly against them. Didn't do shit all strat.
Grade: F
The Central Confederacy/Funbutler
Attacked FCC and then gave up. Fought Acre, then stopped fighting Acre, then fought Acre again. Also fought FCC again, and gave up again.
Grade: D
Free Companies of Calradia
Terrible diplomacy, but very active faction. Probably took the most castle and cities. But seriously, terrible diplomacy. You know who I'm talking about.
Grade: B+
Free Peasants of Fisdnar
Got raped by Jesus, then attacked some crap in EU that no one cares about.
Grade: C-
Got wiped due to massive stupidity within a weeks time. Also didn't show up to a lot of their own fights.
Grade: D
Lost Legion
Poured tons of CRPG gold into being an annoying mosquito against FCC. Also got their troops capped multiple times.
Grade: D-
Somehow they won Strat 3 and then turned into one of the most inept factions. Never backed up any of their allies and generally did jack shit. Somehow they were also always poor.
Grade: D
Never did shit, only held on to their last fief because its impossible to take.
Grade: D-
Warriors of the First Age
Bought a lot of fiefs, just to lose them right before Strat died.
Grade: D
Sovereign Kingdom of Third RL
Bought a lot of fiefs, only to lose a lot of them and teamwound ALL THE TIME.
Grade: D
The Kingdom of Veluca
Consistently fought to stalemates, yet talked so much shit on the forums.
Grade: C-
Les Chevaliers Occitans
Consistently fought to stalemates, yet made so many threats. Mostly depended on fear for diplomacy. Also took a bunch of fiefs from HOC retard babies.
Grade: C+
Fuck It Dude Let's Go Bowling
Multi-accounting scum, did nothing for a long time and then got wiped.
Grade: D
Completely dupe bug/other developer oversight fueled faction, yet still managed to lose some battles. Then complained about 40~ hour work weeks. Still did a good amount of attacks during the time they existed.
Grade: B-
Hounds of Chulainn
Bad mercs, including a guy who would just hang out in battles with his shield up with 1000 points and 1-30 score. Were pretty diligent about strat clicking, and then went full retard.
Grade: D-
Schizophrenic strat faction with possible bipolar disorder. Almost won a battle with only cudgels.
Grade: C-
Murder Boner
Lost a lot of troops to upkeep. Stalemated and gave up, multiple times. Had out dated gear patch-wise near the end of strat
Grade: D
Weak Chin
Grade: F
Gmnotutoo's Kawaii Desu Desu Ninja Schoolgirl Death Squad Something Something
Grade: S
B is for Bird
Grade: B
Who am I missing?