Maybe I will have to do something about this Cuntfederacy running around hitting the weak and helpless.
Goblins helping Tolkien fans? What?
Anyway WFA...............
I think we have made it pretty clear that we have no problems with you guys on a personal level.
I get that what we are doing is a dick move from your standpoint. I'm sure we would feel the same way in your shoes.
However, if you expect anything less from this community, much less this world entirely, then you are naive.
Human society is built around little more than taking advantage of others.
When you were sitting in middle school and someone at your table had something you wanted, what did you do?
Maybe you asked them politely for it, or bribed or bartered with them. Maybe you stole it while they were off in the milk line. Perhaps you lied to them or threatened them with a thrashing.
Sure some of those options look better on the "scale of morality" that mankind pretends to abide by, but at the end of the day you took or at least tried to take advantage of someone for your own benefit.
I'm going to punch you in the virtual face and take your pixels.
I could do this a thousand other ways, but I fancy this way due to its simplicity.
I'm giving you the opportunity to stand up, fight back, and get some XP out of it.
If that makes me evil than so be it. I bid you to come and try to slay me like the dragon you think I am.
Prove to me that you are warriors.