Author Topic: hello again, its just me  (Read 5517 times)

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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #30 on: December 11, 2013, 04:25:07 am »
I've never met Mike before, unless he goes by an actual gamer name in world other than Mike. I was entirely on his side until he posted in response to Canary's message. Hearing his kiddish crybaby reaction to Canary's post and willingness to cuss and accuse instead of using common sense as to why Canary mentioned him being poor..

Keep him banned.

My exact thoughts. Never met him, but the reply just scream "No" at me.

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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #31 on: December 11, 2013, 06:36:33 am »
I believe in second chances, but after being banned over 10 times you simply shouldn't be unbanned.  I was in the team speak channel when he was banned to be honest he tried to weasel a way out of it.  I respect Cannary for dealing with this in the relative polite way he has and as well on teamspeak Cannary was very what would be called polite with dealing with him whining over ts.  Mike should not be unbanned even with the dwindling community there is a point where you should not get second chances.

P.S. Sorry for any bad grammar did this from my phone.

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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #32 on: December 11, 2013, 08:23:39 am »
I don't know Mike all that well. I think I've heard him talk while in MB prior to strat fights but honestly that isn't the point. Yes, Mike has 10 to 11 bans on his record. Yes, Mike continued to do petty infractions of the rules of the server. But that is the exact thing: he has been committing petty crimes and has received extended bans over his game history as punishment. Lets leave the permabans for folks who do more than simply TK. I say y'all give Mike a two month ban or something from the date of his infraction and slowly increase that as he continues his lewd and mischievous behavior.

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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #33 on: December 11, 2013, 08:56:17 am »
To clear up some misinformation, he does not actually have 20 bans on his record. No one has that many. Roughly 10-11 bans have been issued to Mike.

EDIT: On NA official that is.

Haha, look up LLJK Goate's account, I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised.

Also as of note, my only relationship with this "Mike" character was ratting him out to Ecko for leaking the ATS server passwords to LLJK in order to grief ATS, which led to LLJK being mass banned from all the NA cRPG servers. I sacrificed Philosoraptor's standing in the community to become an LLJK Liberation Hero, and propel myself to the forefront of cRPG/Shitty SomethingAwfulClan Admin Superstardom, which I exclusively used to extort and embezzle millions of cRPG gold from people wanting an early unban or people wanting admin in LLJK teamspeak servers.

My point is, the only people in the wrong here, are the worthless individuals who put all their sense of self-worth and well being into their standing or reputation in a fucking videogame community. These are the people who should NEVER make decisions for anyone, that's why they are typically horrible losers IRL, because they are mentally immature and plain incompetent.

And those are the people putting Mike on trial here. Namely, Canary, the most outstanding autist this side of the Keshissippi I've ever seen.

Honestly, this community would be better off with a 100 more Mikes, willing to teamkill, grief, bullshit, and be a fun person to talk to, and a 100 less Canary's, the type of person who spends liesure time posting in ban request threads and editing Wikipedia pages about super heroes and animes.'

« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 09:01:48 am by Smoothrich »
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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #34 on: December 11, 2013, 10:59:50 am »
Smoothrich supporting someone being unbanned is really the best possible way to know that they should stay banned forever. I actually really like mike and think he at least deserves a chance to write an essay, but having the type of scum that smoothrich is support him is a terrible blow to what little credibility he had left.
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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #35 on: December 11, 2013, 11:07:43 am »
but having the type of scum that smoothrich is support him is a terrible blow to what little credibility he had left.

You aren't seriously implying that Smoothrich should not have his admin re-instated immediately

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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #36 on: December 11, 2013, 05:17:41 pm »
You aren't seriously implying that Smoothrich should not have his admin re-instated immediately

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Only categorically. 
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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #37 on: December 11, 2013, 11:06:53 pm »
I don't know Mike all that well. I think I've heard him talk while in MB prior to strat fights but honestly that isn't the point. Yes, Mike has 10 to 11 bans on his record. Yes, Mike continued to do petty infractions of the rules of the server. But that is the exact thing: he has been committing petty crimes and has received extended bans over his game history as punishment. Lets leave the permabans for folks who do more than simply TK. I say y'all give Mike a two month ban or something from the date of his infraction and slowly increase that as he continues his lewd and mischievous behavior.

I  couldnt agree more, forever is a long time and only the most serious of offenses should qualify. Being banned for substantially longer periods of time seems more just then forever.


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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #38 on: December 12, 2013, 12:02:52 am »
I believe in second chances, but after being banned over 10 times you simply shouldn't be unbanned.  I was in the team speak channel when he was banned to be honest he tried to weasel a way out of it.  I respect Cannary for dealing with this in the relative polite way he has and as well on teamspeak Cannary was very what would be called polite with dealing with him whining over ts.  Mike should not be unbanned even with the dwindling community there is a point where you should not get second chances.

P.S. Sorry for any bad grammar did this from my phone.

Are you saying being passive-aggressive and evasive is the mature way to handle things?

I don't really know Mike very well, but it sounds like the only thing he did wrong was not be in Canary's clan, because his behavior sounds exactly like Ildist.  Just for the record, I enjoy Ildist's company immensely, even if he is TKing me, because I can take a joke.

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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #39 on: December 12, 2013, 12:58:36 am »
Are you saying being passive-aggressive and evasive is the mature way to handle things?

I don't really know Mike very well, but it sounds like the only thing he did wrong was not be in Canary's clan, because his behavior sounds exactly like Ildist.  Just for the record, I enjoy Ildist's company immensely, even if he is TKing me, because I can take a joke.
I hate Ildist. He is scum. I can safely say that a certain admin in chaos has watched Ildist tk me and done nothing about it even though it was completely 100% intentional (along with me asking to get him banned only to be told that "they thought we were joking around". Fuck jokes, this game is serious shit). On this specific case regarding Mike, well, you're exactly right. He's the same way, and I'd categorize him with ricky and allers too while we're at it. He's a fun guy to shoot the shit with, but a detriment to the team when he goes on his rampages. The evidence on this ban however is extremely iffy so I'd give him another chance in this regard even though it's quite clear he'll do it again anyways.
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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #40 on: December 12, 2013, 02:54:26 pm »
Krez core, you disappoint me. You used to at least have some what of a sense of humor, but anymore all you do is post negative shit and join the band wagon with everyone else.

Canary, of all people, whether right or wrong in this specific case, has the hardest job out of any NA admin and all he gets is shit on by plebs. This entire community makes more ban threads than any I have ever seen and all over dumb shit like TW's and TK's ALL THE TIME! Look how vindictive you all are and, sorry Anders, but your most recent thread TWO FUCKING WEEKS OLD, to get some poor sod banned because of something he did to you that hurt your feelings. I start to question why I even play this mod when shit like stupid ban threads occur I feel like throwing in the towel. It's FREE people, you should just be happy it exists for free and you get the privilege to play it.

Back on topic:
I talked to Mike yesterday morning in TS about him getting unbanned and the way he went about doing it is all wrong. He shouldn't have cursed the head admin out, what's that going to get you? Nothing, it's just going to make you (A) look like an internet tough guy(Grow up) and (B) give you no shot in hell at getting unbanned because you clearly haven't learned a god damn thing about not being a shit lord and you just proved it. He understands now that he did, but it's this kind of rash behavior that has gotten him banned from this free mod on numerous occasions. There has to be a point, if you're all going to want justice anyway, that this shit has to stop. Is it 10 bans, is it 20? In my opinion if you're going to drop the hammer and you have been banned 9 times already, 10 should be the limit and enjoy buying a new CD key if you want to keep playing this FREE mod. On the other hand, do away with bans altogether and see how much fun you have then. I can only imagine the tears that will flow because of the amount they do already.

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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #41 on: December 12, 2013, 03:09:44 pm »
I am around Mike a lot, he plays on the minecraft server I own/run, a little trollish but its all in good fun. I have played some with him on CRPG in the past too and hes a fun guy to play with most times. I knew he had a extensive ban history when I first met him and he was very up front about his behavior on TS/in-game. Hell, he and I have exchanged harsh words to each other on a couple of occasions. I believe he is a good guy with some rough edges. Does he deserve another chance? I am not sure.

If it comes down to him being perma-banned and never playing CRPG again, I can say I am against that.

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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #42 on: December 12, 2013, 03:18:37 pm »
Good to know your still alive you bastard.


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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #43 on: December 12, 2013, 03:48:50 pm »
Krez core, you disappoint me. You used to at least have some what of a sense of humor, but anymore all you do is post negative shit and join the band wagon with everyone else.

Canary, of all people, whether right or wrong in this specific case, has the hardest job out of any NA admin and all he gets is shit on by plebs. This entire community makes more ban threads than any I have ever seen and all over dumb shit like TW's and TK's ALL THE TIME! Look how vindictive you all are and, sorry Anders, but your most recent thread TWO FUCKING WEEKS OLD, to get some poor sod banned because of something he did to you that hurt your feelings. I start to question why I even play this mod when shit like stupid ban threads occur I feel like throwing in the towel. It's FREE people, you should just be happy it exists for free and you get the privilege to play it.

Back on topic:
I talked to Mike yesterday morning in TS about him getting unbanned and the way he went about doing it is all wrong. He shouldn't have cursed the head admin out, what's that going to get you? Nothing, it's just going to make you (A) look like an internet tough guy(Grow up) and (B) give you no shot in hell at getting unbanned because you clearly haven't learned a god damn thing about not being a shit lord and you just proved it. He understands now that he did, but it's this kind of rash behavior that has gotten him banned from this free mod on numerous occasions. There has to be a point, if you're all going to want justice anyway, that this shit has to stop. Is it 10 bans, is it 20? In my opinion if you're going to drop the hammer and you have been banned 9 times already, 10 should be the limit and enjoy buying a new CD key if you want to keep playing this FREE mod. On the other hand, do away with bans altogether and see how much fun you have then. I can only imagine the tears that will flow because of the amount they do already.

It doesn't matter how many bans it is.  Canary has recently taken to padding my ban record with short bans for end of round TKs. So even I'm probably approaching permaban territory although I am not a generally problematic player.  Number of bans means nothing when the bans come from someone who has a grudge against you.  Don't you think that is a problem?  I mean, seriously I have a 1 hour ban and a 5 minute ban, but they will count as real bans, because they do not show duration.  And to add to the list of people to throw under the bus:  Cyranule generally never gets banned as well as Rohypnol, because certain admins have eboners.  The simple fact is adminning is not done consistently, evenly or fairly.  If you don't believe that, you are a rube.  Sorry Rubes, no offense.

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Re: hello again, its just me
« Reply #44 on: December 12, 2013, 04:13:51 pm »
It doesn't matter how many bans it is.  Canary has recently taken to padding my ban record with short bans for end of round TKs. So even I'm probably approaching permaban territory although I am not a generally problematic player.  Number of bans means nothing when the bans come from someone who has a grudge against you.  Don't you think that is a problem?  I mean, seriously I have a 1 hour ban and a 5 minute ban, but they will count as real bans, because they do not show duration.  And to add to the list of people to throw under the bus:  Cyranule generally never gets banned as well as Rohypnol, because certain admins have eboners.  The simple fact is adminning is not done consistently, evenly or fairly.  If you don't believe that, you are a rube.  Sorry Rubes, no offense.

Is it that hard to follow the rules of a free mod if you know what they are? We all know TK'ing is generally against the rules, as is team wounding (people get butthurt about that stuff all the time, just scroll down through this ban request section). I do agree adminning needs to be done more consistently and there should be a 10 and out rule. I mean come on, 10 bans. You've touched the fire ten times and still don't realize it burns you.