Krez core, you disappoint me. You used to at least have some what of a sense of humor, but anymore all you do is post negative shit and join the band wagon with everyone else.
Canary, of all people, whether right or wrong in this specific case, has the hardest job out of any NA admin and all he gets is shit on by plebs. This entire community makes more ban threads than any I have ever seen and all over dumb shit like TW's and TK's ALL THE TIME! Look how vindictive you all are and, sorry Anders, but your most recent thread TWO FUCKING WEEKS OLD, to get some poor sod banned because of something he did to you that hurt your feelings. I start to question why I even play this mod when shit like stupid ban threads occur I feel like throwing in the towel. It's FREE people, you should just be happy it exists for free and you get the privilege to play it.
Back on topic:
I talked to Mike yesterday morning in TS about him getting unbanned and the way he went about doing it is all wrong. He shouldn't have cursed the head admin out, what's that going to get you? Nothing, it's just going to make you (A) look like an internet tough guy(Grow up) and (B) give you no shot in hell at getting unbanned because you clearly haven't learned a god damn thing about not being a shit lord and you just proved it. He understands now that he did, but it's this kind of rash behavior that has gotten him banned from this free mod on numerous occasions. There has to be a point, if you're all going to want justice anyway, that this shit has to stop. Is it 10 bans, is it 20? In my opinion if you're going to drop the hammer and you have been banned 9 times already, 10 should be the limit and enjoy buying a new CD key if you want to keep playing this FREE mod. On the other hand, do away with bans altogether and see how much fun you have then. I can only imagine the tears that will flow because of the amount they do already.