
Will Putin command further invasion of Ukraine:

He will and he should, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will, but he should not, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will not, because <random witty/boring reason>
Who is mister Putin?

Author Topic: Meanwhile in Ukraine  (Read 679277 times)

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3120 on: April 25, 2014, 10:48:18 am »
Stupid, Russia had no interest for destabilization in Ukraine. But it's Brezinsky doctrine. Stop trolling please.

Stupid, Nato had no interest for destabilization in Ukraine. But it's putlers agenda and goal to unify slavs... Stop trolling please.


(am I doing it rite? :mrgreen: )

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3121 on: April 25, 2014, 11:07:08 am »
NATO is not supposed to exist anymore. Could you tell me what is the justification to extend to the East ? In 2001, Putin was close to the US. He helped them to invade Afghanistan. But then, they put some anti-missile system at the border. Why ?
Now, they try to destabilize Ukraine as in Georgia. That's not very cool yankees.

We all know that all those "Orange revolutions" are organized by Otpor or Soros' OSF. Are you really so naive or just ignorant ? Revolutions never spread from nowhere.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 11:13:36 am by Tovi »
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3122 on: April 25, 2014, 11:19:15 am »
In fact all the revolutions in the history of mankind had been plotted and financed by the NATO.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3123 on: April 25, 2014, 11:29:44 am »
In fact all the revolutions in the history of mankind had been plotted and financed by the NATO.
This. How could we've been so blind?! D:
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3124 on: April 25, 2014, 11:31:48 am »
NATO is not supposed to exist anymore. Could you tell me what is the justification to extend to the East ? In 2001, Putin was close to the US. He helped them to invade Afghanistan. But then, they put some anti-missile system at the border. Why ?
Now, they try to destabilize Ukraine as in Georgia. That's not very cool yankees.

We all know that all those "Orange revolutions" are organized by Otpor or Soros' OSF. Are you really so naive or just ignorant ? Revolutions never spread from nowhere.
Who are you to judge whether or not should some organization exist? Who is putler? WHY SHOULD IF FUCKING GIVE A DAMN what putler wants/thinks? There is probably hard to find less trust worthy signatory of bilateral agreements in the Europe...

CCCP is not supposed to exist anymore, but puler pushed for it to be reborn. Could you tell me what is the justification to extend russia to lands that it ITSELF confirmed as belonging to another country just 13 years ago ? In 2001, Putin looked like a guy who could be considered a business partner. He helped them to invade Afghanistanallowed US to cross russian air space. But then, they put some anti-missile system at the border russia increased its military presence in kaliningrad and attacked Georgia. Why ?
Now, theyputler tries to destabilize Ukraine as he succeeded Georgia. That's not very cool yankees commies.

Oh, and now THE BEST "WE ALL KNOW" part :) RIPE for "CORRECTING" ;)
We all know that all those "Orange revolutions"democratic movements of people fed up with corruption are organized natural by Otpor or Soros' OSF when you live in a post soviet countries, where propaganda is not stronk enough and you cant find weaker external enemies to unify your populace against. Are you really so naive or just ignorant ? Revolutions never spread from ALWAYS appear from nowhere, if you are naive enough and cant see what people actually HATE about their current government.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3125 on: April 25, 2014, 12:13:33 pm »
NATO forces in Ukraine are "only for show, dont worry" but Russian forces on the border of Ukraine doing the same show on their own territory is an invasion. My little finger tells me there is a fallacy somewhere!
Just when I thought it wasn't possible, Butan goes even more retard. I thought he was already in Full Retard mode but no, he outdoes himself.

The Maximum Retard compares NATO forces on Ukraine's border to Russia's forces on Ukraine's border... like... what? Wat. Wut. I wonder if Ukraine is worried about NATO forces.. I wonder if Ukraine is complaining about them.. or.. oh.. wait... is Ukraine actually ASKING for them? Yes, yes it is.
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as in the Haiku.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3126 on: April 25, 2014, 12:16:43 pm »
In fact all the revolutions in the history of mankind had been plotted and financed by the NATO.
I was always suspicious towards Spartacus when I watched tv-series about him. How it was possible that an ancient dude could speak English with Murrican accent? Damn NATO agents everywhere!

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3127 on: April 25, 2014, 12:17:29 pm »
At Maidan, snipers could have been NATO commando,
Please tell us more about the highly secretive NATO commando.
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in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3128 on: April 25, 2014, 12:45:12 pm »
Every single time Putin speaks about "Protecting the Russian population", it makes me smile.
When you live 10+ years in a country, you work there, your kids were born there, you are not part of another country any more. Those are all Ukrainians, doesn't matter if they like it or not. When you see it that way, Putin is going against his own agenda:

Syria used chemical weapons on it's population? Too bad but none of our business.
Ukrainians storm government buildings in the East? Protect the innocent.

And then it's even more funny to see that the "German part of the internet" is full with Putin supporters with the same sick view like Panos described: "Wish we had a stronk lider like Putin!" Even worse, they are like Butan too, no reasoning with them at all.

It's funny how you start to accuse others of fascism but they you say something like this:

Those are all Ukrainians, doesn't matter if they like it or not.

That is why I stopped posting in this thread. There's a bit of fascist in each of us and it gets out when you least expect it and sometimes you can't control it.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3129 on: April 25, 2014, 12:56:33 pm »
Please tell us more about the highly secretive NATO commando.

They don't need to be so secret. Because the hostel was under protesters control. And then the new government just say shit about those snipers and people trust it without any proof. Just listen to what victims lawyer said about that.
So, you just need some foreign snipers who don't give a shit of ukrainians life, policemen or protesters. Do you think that Ukrainian police or military could do this ? I don't.
But a NATO commando is not my favorite option. Blackwater is known to shoot at civilians without any hang up. Plus, they do not belong to any army if they are catched.
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3130 on: April 25, 2014, 01:07:12 pm »
Omg, its going to be long destroying all those poorly conceived arguments  :lol:

The first which really hurts my eye is :

1. You are ignoring the nature of the protest. One was innitially an occupation of some square, which ended up flaring after repressions started. Another STARTED as armed small gangs occupying government buildings and THEN asking the crowds to come and save them.

O rly

23 february

13 march

16 march

Say again? And thats only one city on the half a dozen nerve points of post-Maidan.

Go back in your corner child.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 01:16:50 pm by Butan »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3131 on: April 25, 2014, 01:10:12 pm »
And then it's even more funny to see that the "German part of the internet" is full with Putin supporters with the same sick view like Panos described: "Wish we had a stronk lider like Putin!" Even worse, they are like Butan too, no reasoning with them at all.

It's mostly from extremes of the political spectrum who "support" Putin outside of Russia. Pseudo neo-chocolate chip cookies and far righters in Europe are totally wet with lust over Strongman Putin, ZOMG he's so dreamy and macho, and the far leftist Useful Idiots of the Soviet era were apparently nostalgic for a militarist authoritarian dictatorship to fawn over and defend. Then there's the acolytes of Alex Jones and the like, conspiracy theorists who see in it a challenger to the zionist NWO, so it can only be totes awesome. That last group contains both racist neo-chocolate chip cookies who think the "NWO"'s goals are complete eradication of "white" cultures through multiculturalism and moronic commies who think the goals are complete capitalist/colonialist control over the world's resources by evil greedy bankers.
These failures of thought have been well represented throughout this entire thread.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3132 on: April 25, 2014, 01:18:17 pm »
Omg, its going to be long destroying all those poorly conceived arguments  :lol:

The first which really hurts my eye is :

23 february

13 march

16 march

Say again?

Go back in your corner.
In my corner - a protest, which gathered 10k+ and lasted for fucking months. In your contrarian hipster corner - a 4k protest, which marched and then dispersed. mm... I think similar one was bought in Kiev, even a couple of times. And then there were BUNCH of interviews of funny bydlo guys, who were sincerely happy they got fed and paid by organizers. You are trying too hard to push putlers agenda, that both protests in Maidan and armed building capturing and separatist respublic declaration are the same, "peoples" protest. They are not. BTW - those earlier protests, even if with violence - I support, that IS democracy and people have right to do this. What they DO NOT have right to do is rob police stations, occupy government buildings and appoint onself governors, later declaring "civil war" when their bullshit gets called. If not for ruskies puting UNREASONABLE pressure on Ukraine and military support for the "troops" - this shit would have collapsed already.

Also - the thing you are doing is called http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring. Singling out something and then forgetting all the other crappy arguments you can't or don't want to drag, because you feel inside they are shit.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 01:21:54 pm by Kuujis »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3133 on: April 25, 2014, 01:19:46 pm »
In fact all the revolutions in the history of mankind had been plotted and financed by the NATO.
Oh really thats good to hear that NATO is still alive.

Who finance NATO ; tell me more about it.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #3134 on: April 25, 2014, 01:20:50 pm »
4k protest, which marched and then dispersed. mm... And then there were BUNCH of interviews of funny bydlo guys, who were sincerely happy they got fed and paid by organizers.

Are you for real?  :lol:

Worst attempt at undermining Eastern Ukraine protests I ever saw.