This. So many times.
It seems to me that a lot of you forget that we have peace and stability in Germany for easy over 50 years. That is the head-start Germany has.
You seem to expect that you get a similar system and get the same shit in 10 years. What kind of silly equation is that?
There is a saying in German about the generations of a family and their wealth:
Der Ersten den Tod, der Zweiten die Not, der Dritten das Brot.
For the first the death, for the second the need, for the third the bread.
I hope the meaning comes across. The reason why it appears that Germany has so much stuff is that my grandparents already started building the "family wealth" after the war. Building houses out of ruins, starting shops. My parents took over where my grandparents stopped, continued working. I am in the more or less fortunate situation to gain the most yet. If you consider that it's going downhill for a few years now, my generation has it's very own problems though but that would go quite off-topic now.