
Will Putin command further invasion of Ukraine:

He will and he should, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will, but he should not, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will not, because <random witty/boring reason>
Who is mister Putin?

Author Topic: Meanwhile in Ukraine  (Read 678186 times)

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10500 on: July 28, 2016, 02:42:10 pm »
For how many potatoes will President Trump sell the Baltic states back to their rightful owner, Agent Putin?

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10501 on: July 30, 2016, 08:24:41 am »

хаха как я это пропустил )))
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10502 on: August 01, 2016, 11:44:13 am »
presidente Putin visited Slovenia this weekend

Father-in-law works at the company that manages highways, apparently they had to give ruskies info on everyone who worked the roads Putin's convoy traversed for the past 6 months with a bunch of other security checks. His convoy was also escorted by helicopters and all kinds of security shit. No one kills presidente Putin, Putin kill u

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10503 on: August 01, 2016, 12:29:45 pm »

хаха как я это пропустил )))

english lyrics pls

Offline Tibes

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10504 on: August 01, 2016, 08:27:39 pm »
For how many potatoes will President Trump sell the Baltic states back to their rightful owner, Agent Putin?

Dont really think we need Trumps help for that one. Kremlins propaganda has been quite effective over the years. Now even outside the extremo nationalist Motherland quite many people don't consider Russia a threat anymore. Which would be fine if it isn't, unfortunately it still is. The worldwide concentration on how evil the US is has sorta created an image of Russia, that it is a misunderstood victim that counteracts to it. Because of this, if Russia starts grabbing more pieces of Eastern-Europe, this type of public opinion will most likely damage anyone's capability to counteract. Overall I think the Baltic has an expiration date, Trump or not. Some of you willing to start giving me lessons in russian? :rolleyes:

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10505 on: August 02, 2016, 12:21:37 am »
Before the Ukraine affair, I would have disagreed with you, but now one can see a possible chain of event.
If the US pulled out troops from EU, + countries at the borders of Russia pulled out of NATO or NATO somehow exploded, then maybe your scenario could happen, if the revanchism/tension from Ukraine began to spread out in other countries in eastern Europe... I dont see how else it could happen realistically without triggering WW3 and Russia losing (and possibily humanity, and who want to get wiped for a few potatoes).

You're pretty much safe because there is too many loops to jump in, IMO.
And even if Trump was elected, I dont know why after making peace between US and Russia, Russia would instantly go to war with Europe, it seems to be counter-intuitive that if Russia gets included into the world peace, world war would begin.
I see more possibility for dubious war scenarios if Hillary wins, continuing the build up of tension between us and Russia to the breaking point.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 12:26:59 am by Butan »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10506 on: August 02, 2016, 02:12:13 am »
presidente Putin visited Slovenia this weekend

Father-in-law works at the company that manages highways, apparently they had to give ruskies info on everyone who worked the roads Putin's convoy traversed for the past 6 months with a bunch of other security checks. His convoy was also escorted by helicopters and all kinds of security shit. No one kills presidente Putin, Putin kill u

when putin came here the russians 'requested' that every sewer hatch must be welded in place along their path.

its so damn comical like in comedy films or cartoons, that somebody would emerge from the sewers with an RPG to shoot him.. lmao
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10507 on: August 02, 2016, 03:30:17 pm »
It's circus for the masses. It's a way to show how "important" he is (several helis), as well as legit and reasonable security measures.

I also don't believe in any war with the Baltic states, the west would never allow this, and RF would gain nothing.

My main concern about Russia is Russia itself, and their internal politics. If such huge nation doesn't progress, but continues its corrupt mafiesque system, you risk isolation in mind and economy. They already have massive braindrain, a few oligarchs own it all. It's all pretty sad for 140 million people + nations under their influence. I don't believe Putin is able to, or even want to begin transitioning to a modern state. Putin will not attack the Baltics, but if the country continues to deteriorate, perhaps an eventual successor will.

I'm not even saying Russia should or could be a normal democracy here, but you need a level of free press, you need people being accountable by their crimes, and you need a fair and functioning court system. (just couple of weeks ago, a Norwegian businessman was expelled from Russia labeled "spy" after running a successful cement business for years:http://thebarentsobserver.com/industry/2016/07/successful-norwegian-businessman-expelled-russia )

I think the siege mentality is very destructive, almost a psychosis on a national scale. Meant to distract people from the everyday failings of the system, while the oligarch elite sucks out as much blood and gold as they can from the country.

They talk about Russophobia, but I have seriously never met anyone critical of RF culture itself. They have great music/arts, great history, great jokes and are very warm and welcoming people.
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10508 on: August 02, 2016, 03:50:45 pm »
Putin isn't the only one who requests security measures. Whenever USA president or vice president visit a country, or even Chinese officials security measures are the same, of highest order. Only officials from Muslim Loving Union think they are smart going in the open without serious security measures. Until some allahu-snackbar kills one of them, then the rest will gather and draw flowers on the pavement.

free press

Free Murdochian press is nothing but late stage cancer. What he did to journalism around the world is horrible, and gives perfect excuse to despots around the world to go in a crusade against such press.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 03:53:58 pm by Leshma »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10510 on: August 02, 2016, 09:41:19 pm »
2 years ago I thought the bandera thing was slightly fake...

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10511 on: August 03, 2016, 02:40:46 am »
2 years ago I thought the bandera thing was slightly fake...

I meet some Ukrainians now and then here in Poland, none of them have been chocolate chip cookies, but a couple have been pretty backwards when it comes to gay people and also display pretty blunt racism. I'm not excusing the chocolate chip cookies, but you need to have two thoughts in the head: One is that it's the same in Russia. Another is that Ukraine is a nation at war, desperately scrambling for national identity and heroes. If you compare the two countries and their nationalism, it looks pretty similar in every way except for the symbols..

Now to see nationalism in Eastern Europe, and the way it's displayed is pretty absurd and depressing. No, I'm not talking Oberyn style skepticism to taking in immigrants (I don't think he would raise an eyebrow over Poland of 40 million accepting 2000 immigrants.), but plain open old neochocolate chip cookies, borrowing tons of symbology from chocolate chip cookie Germany (Who ironically wanted to kill or enslave most of Eastern Europeans slavs..) I guess Nationalism is a sort of last resort for many people. When they have lost their opportunities (for reals not imagined), the easiest thing is to blame others. (And sometimes it can be part of the truth, but not all the time, and not for everyone.)

So the Ukrainians blame the Russians, the Russians blame the west, the west blames the immigrants, and the muslims blames the Americans, who blame the blacks. All of them are partly right, but most of all, they should take a hard look at their own societies first.
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10512 on: August 03, 2016, 05:30:15 am »
I guess Nationalism is a sort of last resort for many people. When they have lost their opportunities (for reals not imagined), the easiest thing is to blame others.

It doesn't explain why right wing ideologies are getting stronger among the youth.
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10513 on: August 03, 2016, 09:07:00 am »
Before the Ukraine affair, I would have disagreed with you, but now one can see a possible chain of event.
If the US pulled out troops from EU, + countries at the borders of Russia pulled out of NATO or NATO somehow exploded, then maybe your scenario could happen, if the revanchism/tension from Ukraine began to spread out in other countries in eastern Europe... I dont see how else it could happen realistically without triggering WW3 and Russia losing (and possibily humanity, and who want to get wiped for a few potatoes).

You're pretty much safe because there is too many loops to jump in, IMO.
And even if Trump was elected, I dont know why after making peace between US and Russia, Russia would instantly go to war with Europe, it seems to be counter-intuitive that if Russia gets included into the world peace, world war would begin.
I see more possibility for dubious war scenarios if Hillary wins, continuing the build up of tension between us and Russia to the breaking point.

Not as much loops as youd think. There wont be a war. Kremlin is not insane. But that does not rule out occupation. Same thing that happened in Ukraine can easly happen here. Pro-Kremlin russian/baltic citizens rapidly replacing the ruling politicians with pro-russian politicians who no longer serve the interests of Europe or people in the Baltic, but only Russia. Nomatter how much NATO battalions you send here, countering this will forever be a full-time job.

Why, you may ask? Because the general problem is that Kremlin is an incredibly paranoid piece of work. The people working under it don't acknowledge that the European view can coexist with Russian views. Because they see the Europeans and everything they believe in as tainted by the evil US. This is why it is assumed that rus-baltic citizens will most likely stab the people of the Baltic in the back, despite them having a good life here. Because being under the Federation is untainted(or less tainted) politics. It doesn't really matter how much we do for the russian minorities here or how well we rule. The endgoal will always be to eliminate the Baltics relation with the rest of the West.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 09:10:13 am by Tibes »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #10514 on: August 03, 2016, 10:53:46 am »
It doesn't explain why right wing ideologies are getting stronger among the youth.

Because young people of immigrant backgrounds harass them then the white kids get sad and mad and starts to hate every immigrant and goes to the extreme. Endless circle of resurgences in far right wing ideologies Ayy lmao.
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