So you think that maidan revolution also made by Putin? As I remember when Yanukovich met with EU to discuss about joining, Russia asked EU to be on this discussions to consult about current agreements with Russia. EU answered it's not your business. Ok, Russia gave to Ukraine better conditions that EU offered. But then revolution came. When Timoshenko was freed, she claimed that Crimea must be freed from russian sea troops. Well politically there were 2 problems. Well Crimea were taken. About East Ukraine where all production is based and good for trade must be taken, I think Putin didn't expect this ATO. Son of Baiden is a director of one firm which has a gas foundations on the East. So after some visits of Baiden and USA generals ATO begins. As I said before, my opinion is that this is political game between Russia and USA. According to statements of NATO and secretaries of USA, there are a lot of fake statements, maybe much more or the same as in Russia. So if EU media is +5 then they have to disprove this statements of USA and Nato.
1. WHAT THE FUCK is russias business what ANOTHER country wants to do? Join EU, join NATO, become anti-russia: ITS SIMPLY NOT rUSSIAS BUSINESS. You presume it is, but it is simply NOT the case. Being butthurt is what russia is in this case, what with all its delusions of grandeur. And to hell with what russia asked or promised, it simply lies too much these days.
2. How do you go from "supporting Maidan" to "being guilty of inciting civil war and annexing part of Ukraine" is beyond me. Its simply... for the lack of better expression "only in putlers russian media" (c) that it is natural, self evident or obvious. Pulling out some semi-related names is an attempt to pin label "dried ham" on some fly-ridden carcass in the middle of siberia.
3. I loved the "well, Crimea was taken". You forgot to add "suck it up and trust us again nao, plzkthxbai". Elephant in the room is here, now please move on, nothing to see here.
4. "fake statements" and all that jazz - I would say you have these in Ukraine press, which is only natural (what with all the propaganda BS). Western press, the proper, serious one - they doublecheck and report what they saw in a reasonably conservative manner, not what they read, imagined, created or simply were paid to report. And if they report on "twitter" stuff or hearsay - they say it as it is, i.e. "based on unconfirmed sources" etc. You assume, that because your media is so full of shit, ALL worlds media is the same. Which is simply not the case.
This is actually the case of "trustworthiness" of your media sources, assuming 0 is the "trustworthy": you have your russian sources, with -50 in score, and your western ones, which lets say are -5. Now you paint all media as -27.5, which is again - only if you trust or semi-trust ANYTHING coming out of russia. What you COULD and SHOULD learn from russian media is what are they AIMING for with this reporting, and not what they are actually reporting. This is a good material.
And their "reporting" has led to annexation of Crimea and artificial civil war in eastern ukraine (which btw, with 50% industry destroyed WAS a manufacturing center, not anymore).