And because of that Sodom and Hommora were destroyed totally. This two guests were angels, and you really don't know their traditions, Lot wasn't a jew by the way, there weren't any jews that time
Don't show your knowledges, then others can think that you are smart.
Oh I know, thats why I pulled it out ;)
I also know, that it was not (and supposedly SHOULD NOT be NOW) considered an evil act to do, because women worth was supposedly that much lower. But who gives a shit frankly. Tell me when you will start evaluating putlers BS in Ukraine not via the russian media prism "they are all naztee junta and we must protect russians" and then we can talk without poles, beams, bible and lemons.
i think it 2 differend guys just look similar
Semen Semenchenko and LegolasI can not allow to such a wonderful topic turned into a discussion about angels and the Bible
I am zorry, I shall suck lemons and cry now!
To get back on topic: I am amazed about Ukraine once again. In bad light this time. This did not work in pre-WW2 France, but ... what the serious fuck? :/
We all lie, it's a part of being human, however please cite one instance of me blatantly lying here on this thread please. I have never intentionally lied to anyone here, so after calling me a liar to often just fucking prove it.
Now you just do name calling.
Ok, how about this:
you call volunteers mercenaries, because they get wages.
You repeatedly call Ukraine army naztees, although by all reports - there is AT BEST a minority of those, at worst - they are what one would call far-rightists, present in any society.
You repeat, that there are naztees in power in Ukraine, although there are no proofs of that, besides RT style channels.
You call me dumb (DUH!, an obvious lie).
I'm considering calling you an idiot, instead of a liar. Would that make you feel better?