
Will Putin command further invasion of Ukraine:

He will and he should, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will, but he should not, because <random witty/boring reason>
He will not, because <random witty/boring reason>
Who is mister Putin?

Author Topic: Meanwhile in Ukraine  (Read 690016 times)

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6435 on: September 10, 2014, 11:29:55 am »
Because international politics is not governed by principles. Simple as that. Even in democratic countries, principles apply inside, but never in foreign policy. Because they can't afford that.

These sanctions would cost dearly both Germany and France, and they are looking for any excuse not to go through with them. This truce provides them with that excuse.

Have in mind that Medvedev, who is probably bluffing but you never know, threatened to close Russian sI love you for air companies from Europe. That would very quickly bancrupt bunch of companies.
Not really.
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As I said before: German exports are wide spread. Only big issue would be Gas deliveries.
Just a few single companies have big ties to Russia, making up 3/4 of the whole business, mainly in raw materials and energy.

Dunno about France tbh. Maybe Merkel is more tied to France on this, them having bigger ties to Russia all together.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 11:33:04 am by Molly »
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6436 on: September 10, 2014, 11:41:58 am »
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Not sure if trolling or irony... :?

I will cry if trolling AND irony  :shock:

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6437 on: September 10, 2014, 11:59:04 am »
Read what Wall Street Journal has to say about that:


Its not abotu export, you have bunch of investments in Russia which you would be hurting directly.

The Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/12/germany-economy-eurozone-recovery-russia-sanctions

"Hostility between the west and Vladimir Putin over Russia's treatment of Ukraine is already hurting the German economy, according to a closely watched survey of investor mood."

These are not Russian nor Ukrainian sources, but two among the most credible Western media outlets. 
I mean, what have you got to lose? You know, you come from nothing, you're going back to nothing, what have you lost? Nothing!

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6438 on: September 10, 2014, 01:31:39 pm »
I didn't say it has no impact, I am merely saying that Germany won't be hit as hard as some people make it out to be.

Edit: Should have read the articles before replying :lol:
Neither of those 2 articles is even about the cold hard numbers but about how financial investors feel and how mid-class businesses are afraid. :D
Yes, very interesting but nothing more than reading the dirt in a cup of coffee unfortunately :wink:

Should have posted something about the GDP. Those numbers actually show something reliable. Even if I could argue properly "against" those...
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 04:22:46 pm by Molly »
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6439 on: September 10, 2014, 03:05:49 pm »
Funny vid I came across a while back.

Sorry if this has been posted already

Oh another

How do you pronounce Charlemagne? Shar-la-main =D

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6440 on: September 10, 2014, 05:50:09 pm »

Offline Kafein

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6441 on: September 10, 2014, 07:55:29 pm »
I haven't been providing examples to back my analysis of the situation, I've been providing examples that back an alternate analysis to the situation portrayed by Western governments and the Western media.

What examples are you talking about? Did anyone even talk about examples in this thread? I don't understand what you are trying to say here.

Since that's what your analysis and understanding of the situation stems from, a mind set formed by a Western narrative.

I never said or implied that. More importantly, what mindset I have is irrelevant as I'm discussing the videos you posted and forming a rebuttal. I am not expressing an opinion.

This has never really started off being about personal criticism or attacks, picking holes in the logic of the other

Showing someone that whatever view they express is incoherent, is not a personal attack. There's a difference between "what you say is dumb here's why" and "you're dumb". I did the former.

, it started off with sharing opinions on the situation, and then justifying them opinions with analysis and opinions shared by experts in their field, numerous media sources, video footage and varying perspectives on the circumstances in and around the Ukrainian civil war and the involved parties in it.

I think we are way past the step at which we shared our opinions (or the opinion of whatever other person) now.

It only started really becoming personal, about attacks on a persons logic

"a person's logic" is a nonsensical statement. There's not one logic per person. There's only one logic.

, their credibility, their knowledge on the subject when individuals on the thread are worn down by the endless cheap remarks and name calling tossed around by Molly, Xant, Christo and more.

No comment. I think you (as well as me, a few pages back) have done your share of that too.

In the end this thread is pointless, we could all be accused of having our heads in the sand to a degree and from varying perspectives, and I don't think we'll ever agree to disagree, therefore I'm tempted to cease posting on this thread purely based on that fact.

This thread isn't pointless. I have shown that from premises that we all hold true (such as "the RF banned imports of some western products") regardless of our opinions, we can unequivocally deduce elements that are coherent with one theory but not another. It's not about opinions.

After all, we all deserve to have an opinion but I doubt a crappy thread in a shitty corner of the internet on a dying mod will make much difference to world events. Let's just enjoy the ride and we'll find out who was right in the end, maybe?

Sharing opinions and comparing them is nice. We can civilly argue about what makes one theory or the other more credible. And more importantly we can do so based on facts, not only conjecture. We actually have a lot of facts to go on.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6442 on: September 10, 2014, 08:28:40 pm »
common guys so many letters! Try to use more pictures instead!  :evil:
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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6443 on: September 10, 2014, 08:58:57 pm »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6444 on: September 10, 2014, 11:49:16 pm »

Well, that's just sad.

God help us, people will need Russian-issued passport when they go to Crimea.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6445 on: September 11, 2014, 12:29:12 am »
God help us, people will need Russian-issued passport when they go to Crimea.

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Actually all cooperation with Roscosmos was forbidden to NASA employees except on the ISS back in April already, so this has real consequences on research. It seems that this means a considerable portion of the already small NASA budget will be directed towards redeploying the infrastructure for manned launches on american soil.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6446 on: September 11, 2014, 12:37:10 am »
Which isn't necessarily a bad thing in the long run.
Iirc there were a few mishaps a while back during starts?
Not during manned launches ofc.
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6447 on: September 11, 2014, 12:40:24 am »
I think the main advantage from the NASA point of view is that they don't have to give millions to the Russians for something that they can do better and cheaper themselves. Only the motivation for such a long term investment lacked.

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6448 on: September 11, 2014, 01:11:33 am »
Okay, even according to your "proof":

1. The guy is who?
2. This guy speaks Russian so he's obviously not a mercenary. Also he doesn't look like an Azov material, I mean really - a guy who speaks Russian and can't spell accents correctly in the name of his own country doesn't look like "far-right Ukrainian nаzi"
3. Azov is not Army. It's a volunteer battalion of National Guard which is a part of Police.
4. Where are mercenaries themselves?

I mean if you get this as proof, why don't you get official acknowledged Russian military soldiers/officers as proof speaking about Russia's intentions (I mean those latest videos of captured Russian airborne). Nobody should trust such videos because even if the person is real - he'll say a lot of things he wouldn't say being free including words that people who are interviewing him want to hear.

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/10/azov-far-right-fighters-ukraine-neo-na zis

I quote...

"The battalion has even drawn far-right volunteers from abroad, such as Mikael Skillt, a 37-year-old Swede, trained as a sniper in the Swedish army, who described himself as an "ethnic nationalist" and fights on the front line with the battalion."

Since Russian/Rebel sources don't convince you. Cus you know, I just post shit that doesn't prove anything because I'm a retard that doesn't know anything..
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 01:14:42 am by Murmillus_Prime »

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Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« Reply #6449 on: September 11, 2014, 07:58:29 am »
ahh, forget it.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 08:05:29 am by The_Bloody_Nine »