
What do you want in your DTV map?

Bots spawn/attack from 2 or more directions.
25 (15%)
Bots spawn/attack from generally one direction. (Very linear).
32 (19.2%)
More open terrain to allow for better fighting and various tactics.
40 (24%)
Narrow paths (spam overhead) where the only way bots getting past you is over your dead body, which might result from getting shot in the back of your head by teammates.
20 (12%)
Dynamic props (i.e. Ballistas and portcullis for gatehouses)
42 (25.1%)
Ballistas? No thank you. My MW Light Crossbow is enough.
2 (1.2%)
Something else (post in comments)
6 (3.6%)

Total Members Voted: 73

Author Topic: Thranduil's DTV maps. Feedback Thread. (Currently on map-making hiatus)  (Read 11247 times)

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Re: What do you want in your DTV map? Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2013, 10:55:30 am »
The first and most glaring is more open space. For example I have personally died by backpedalling into an invisible barrier on New Istiniar many times, and have seen others die that way as well. While Nomad horse archers are an eternal pain, I have observed that more open space is needed to fight.

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Re: What do you want in your DTV map? Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2013, 06:24:24 pm »
Currently working on the bridge map. Actually, to be honest, I'm basing it off of the Bridge of Khazad-dum. Of course, I'm not going for an exact copy of the movie or book. I'm making this more practical. It has 2 bridges. One that only has enough room for one person to cross, and another that can hold 6 or more across. The small bridge is for those who want to get behind the bots on the bridge. Also, if you fall, you WILL die.  :twisted:  Basically I've wanted to make a somewhat functional indoor map, but that usually backfires because they are not open. This will be open. Oh it is VERY open. I will post screens once I get the initial design down. Then I'll ask for suggestions to make it more balanced. A warning beforehand, there will be many many barriers along the cliffsides, but relatively few to none on the bridges. I will mark them as best as I can, so after you see screenshots of them, let me know if you think the barriers need to be more obvious. I'll probably have something to show tonight or tomorrow hopefully.


I must admit, this might be a better battle map the way it is turning out..... and I just realized how to make it more difficult.  :twisted: Right now, if you have 7 good shielders, you can hold both bridges indefinitely, but I just remembered the back door.  :mrgreen:
« Last Edit: December 15, 2013, 05:38:20 am by Thranduil »
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Re: What do you want in your DTV map? Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2013, 04:48:14 am »
Okay. Bridge map. This is what I have so far, and really, maybe I could add some more random junk lying around, but other than that, and a shadowy question that afonsoserro is looking into (though after hosting, it doesn't show up.... I think), other than that, it is done.

*EDIT* Oh yeah, and I'm calling it Mein Bridge. Get it? Mine, Mein?  :rolleyes: *END EDIT*

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What's hilarious is that, in the pictures, there is no depth perception. The last picture has a ramp of stone leading to a ballista and stairs that go outside, but it just looks like a wall of stone.  :lol:

There are not really many barriers. There are none along the cliff lines. It's a straight drop, and even should you be on a horse and survive the fall, you will drown. Uhm... bots can drown, right?  :shock:  Well, in the worst case, I'll modify it for battle.

Once I have this map done (or at least submission worthy), I will be dialing back a bit.... okay, a LOT. I have a job starting in January (after 6 months of searching) and I'll have not so much time for map making. So I'm kinda like :(, but mostly I'm :D.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 03:08:41 pm by Thranduil »
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Re: What do you want in your DTV map? Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2013, 01:06:46 am »
And officially, after testing, I think it is finished (and by testing, I mean I put it in Native and attacked villagers, ... and I tested in cRPG hosting. No shadow problems!  :D).

Mein Bridge


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If it is too dark, I can always go back and add torches, but I think during daytime, it'll be light enough.

***EDIT*** Also, at this particular moment, EVERY bloody site I need to use to upload and submit this map is going down for maintenance! Sheesh!
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 01:16:05 am by Thranduil »
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Offline Ronin

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Re: What do you want in your DTV map? Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2013, 01:20:01 am »
A castle defense-like map would be nice-ish. The ones where archers can actually shoot behind walls etc. Maybe a wooden motte and bailey kind of map would do the trick.
Quote from: BlindGuy
Seems the fascists are gaining ground once again in UKR... right vving politics is SO bad for the general populace but STILL in times of trouble the uneducated turn to them for help, simply because they are so amoral they vvill supply those vvilling to fight vvith vveapons rather than knovvledge.

My UU key is broken incase you can't tell :D

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Re: What do you want in your DTV map? Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #20 on: December 25, 2013, 01:42:51 am »
So,.... remember that job in January? Well it got cancelled because of the company's budget. *Combine  :cry: :shock: :rolleyes: and  :lol:. If this causes an explosion, you've done it right!*

wooden motte and bailey
I likes this. I really likes this. I likes this so much, I'm gonna share.  :)

DTV Motte and Bailey (I KNOW! I'm so clever with names! 8-))

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Pardon me if some pictures seem....open and empty. I believe that less is more. As in, less shit = more fps.  :wink:


So, there is only one entrance, which is a little different than what I've tried doing, but I think it will work. If you shield wall the entrance, you'll need about 7 or 8 shielders. I also kinda wanted to make a map that was possibly able to defend with only half a full roster. I hate having 10 people and it just not be anywhere near enough to go more than the Weaboos. I tried putting walls for archers to shoot behind, but it just made it too easy to defend with smaller shield walls. I will try a more castle-like map with murder holes next. Probably after Christmas. =P
Speaking of which, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

What's funny is that I've had the general terrain for this set up for about a month now, but I wasn't really sure what to do with it. I was gonna have some kinda 3 bridge defense map, but the creek was too close to the borders of the map for that.... and after thinking about it, that idea (or at least the implementation in my head) sucked. So thanks Ronin! I was really wanting to do something with that map, but had no ideas. Have a renown on me! I hope the map is to your liking!


We've got a new DTV map.
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Re: What do you want in your DTV map? Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #21 on: December 25, 2013, 11:27:12 am »
Wow I luv you :shock:
Quote from: BlindGuy
Seems the fascists are gaining ground once again in UKR... right vving politics is SO bad for the general populace but STILL in times of trouble the uneducated turn to them for help, simply because they are so amoral they vvill supply those vvilling to fight vvith vveapons rather than knovvledge.

My UU key is broken incase you can't tell :D

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Re: What do you want in your DTV map? Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #22 on: December 25, 2013, 02:11:47 pm »
What I don't like is this part you devs missed:

From my old post before these new maps:
Highway facing Vivi : Make the map too hard to defend, at cavs wave ofc and against ranged : Amashke, Bulugur

And you did the same thing for mostly all these news maps.

How about making sort of streets with fences or low wall?

Your currently DTV map vision:
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We mostly get stuck, surrounded then catch...

And here is, a proposal DTV map vision:
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Make it the mostly round as possible, same for fences to avoid bots stuck.

Low fences or wall under 1.5m.

or fully open fences like this :
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So it allow to route bots flow in multiple direction and give us a way to escape from a mass bots rush.

Think about Iyindah, there is no way to make a shield wall or exploit, but this map is quite balanced imo.

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Re: What do you want in your DTV map? Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #23 on: December 25, 2013, 02:45:09 pm »
Maps more open or that just don't force a part of the team to leech are needed. Elio's idea is very good - having to cover more area means more people fighting.

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Re: What do you want in your DTV map? Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #24 on: December 25, 2013, 10:24:15 pm »
Dark maps are always disadvantage to players, few more lighting would be good
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Re: Thranduil's DTV maps. Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2014, 05:44:54 pm »
Current DTV maps updated quite a bit, though no pics to show this. Mesa lazy ass.  :oops: You'll see come next hotfix/patch.

Currently (and quite late) working on Elio's idea with a new map. Kinda needed a moment of inspiration, and I think I found it. Hopefully I'll have something to show this weekend.
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Re: What do you want in your DTV map? Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #26 on: February 02, 2014, 10:50:52 am »
Think about Iyindah, there is no way to make a shield wall or exploit, but this map is quite balanced imo.

While your presented Idea is pretty good, I would like to chime in just to say I always felt that Iyindah was more of a "one way" street straight to the viscount. Now it is surely better than all these new "pass of thermopylae" styled maps, but personally when I have played on that map it was one of the worse older maps. Granted, you can lure bots to the left or right side, and open up new paths, but come later waves, when no one charges, the bots just simply flood the V. I will agree, it was a fun map, but only really for the lower waves.

Also, something that is constantly overlooked but quite necessary... more fighting room around the V, especially behind. Should a bot rush come at the V, it would be nice to have room to be able to lure some away. In one of the newer maps I had almost the entire bot mob following me. It was on that rocky one with the platform with a couple of ballistas and not much else. Almost a perfect straight line form the bot's spawn to the V... I s keyed as slowly as possible, and yet one man can only kill so many bots so quickly. Then I got to the V, and ran into the wall right behind him. The few bots that didn't mob me were mobbing the V. But out of the 15 or so bots left, maybe 3 left my little train and noticed the viscount. Had I more room behind me, and some damn good luck, I could have potentially killed the 12 guys on me, and gotten back to the viscount in time to save him... especially with the bot's new-found fear of knife-wielding men (how half the time the bots hold back, too intimidated by the viscount's little knife instead of actually charging in).
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Re: Thranduil's DTV maps. Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2014, 10:09:27 pm »
Alright. I'm making progress....sort of. Jona, you make a good point about having room behind the viscount. Almost didn't do that with this new map. Thanks for mentioning it. As for Elio's idea, I'm trying the bit where
it allow to route bots flow in multiple direction and give us a way to escape from a mass bots rush.

Not so much the low fences idea, cause it's really only good on early waves. Come xbows and sniper bows, it would be rape by bots.

Might work, might not. Bots from a spawn point all seem to generally follow one path and not separate, but we'll see. I'm hopeful.

I'm behind my schedule because
A. Superbowl (highly disappointing. My team won, so yay; but, it was a rather boring watch. First 30 seconds were hilarious though).
B. After Jona posted, his sig inspired me to work on a "Celtic Ruins"-themed map, so actually, I'm working on 2 maps right now....well, 3, but the third one isn't DTV.  :lol:
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Re: Thranduil's DTV maps. Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2014, 10:59:51 pm »
Make a map called 'lake of pain'. Have a fishermans shack on a very tiny island in the center of a big lake. Viscount will spawn inside the shack for some better protection. Put a ballista on top of shack with a ladder to get up. Put a palm tree with a homemade treehouse on it. Bots will spawn on the shore from multiple directions and walk underwater.

Offline Thranduil

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Re: Thranduil's DTV maps. Taking suggestions/requests.
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2014, 11:39:33 pm »
Make a map called 'lake of pain'. Have a fishermans shack on a very tiny island in the center of a big lake. Viscount will spawn inside the shack for some better protection. Put a ballista on top of shack with a ladder to get up. Put a palm tree with a homemade treehouse on it. Bots will spawn on the shore from multiple directions and walk underwater.

I see a few major problems with this.

1. Shack has to be large enough to hold at minimum 31 ppl (full server)
2. Shack sounds way too defensible with only one entrance
3. I've tried the whole treehouse thing..... An actual house in the tree.... it really doesn't work that well.
4. Bots walking underwater can drown, or at least they will in a patch or two. It's being looked into.
5. Based on your description, the image that comes to mind of the map is something that I'm very certain would not be accepted for official server rotation. So with other maps in the works, it isn't really that probable that I would do it.

Now, does that mean in all this BS I've just typed, I didn't have an idea to modify your suggestion immensely into something similar to what you want (I hope), but possibly acceptable to the public at large (i.e. the devs and admins and extreme DTV enthusiasts)? Nope. Not at all.  :P

I'll see what I can do.  8-)


I've finished the first map (I think) based on Elio's suggestion about bot flow. I'll post better screens tomorrow. For now, I just wanted to let the rabbit out of the hat so to speak. And no, I did not plan for the map to look like a rabbit.....which honestly kinda scares me.

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« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 04:21:15 am by Thranduil »
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