Stab got very bad after they nerfed the spin rate for 1h. Ive been told they recently "buffed" that spin rate for 1h but im not sure about. The stab for 1h is just like the 2h's stab now. Just shorter. Some year and a half ago, I used to make most my kills with a stab. About 80% of my kills were that way. Then they nerfed the spin rate for everyone (to "fix" 2h lol stab). That left the stab in a very bad shape (for 1h), still i kept using it but not so much. The spin nerf didnt allow you to stab from "too close". The usual method was doing a quick spin to the left, from the right side and stab. Was quite deadly. After that it wasnt posible, and stabs from a far distance are very easily read. So i went to a 50% or less of my kills with stabs (that is why i use a long arming sword nowadays and not a slavona as i used to do). Nowadays it seems the stab just goes through, no matter if you spin or not. I personally would get the "last stab" with a buff in the spin, which is what allowed to use it "with skill". Just that.