I'd also like to throw this hat in the ring...
Axes in general need to break shields in half the number of hits they currently do. There is a very small playerbase that will use axes, because they are inferior to other weapons in pretty much every dimension. I see no reason why a 2h or pole-type axe can't break a 2 difficulty shield in 1 hit, 2 if its masterwork. A 3 difficulty shield should break in 2-3 hits. Shield skill should help, but that bonus against shields we currently have is not nearly enough to outweigh the disadvantages of using an axe over something else. Plus, with the buff to 1h stab, axe users really need to be tossed a bone here.
The fuck are you smoking? The
double damage from "bonus against shields" isn't enough for you? The damage, that IIRC is
before armour affects it, makes shields go down almost instantly?
Jesus, even the rondel my old friends with 11 shieldskill and bucklers rarely survive more than one hit from my bardiche (6 ps 145 wpf). Kinngrimm, the dreaded EU agi shielder with the "neverbreaking shield" loses his shield after 4-5 held bardiche attacks.
Fuck, even with my longsword it's surprising how fast a shield breaks.
Protip. That double damage against shields? That's also affected by held attack. So a held attack does basicly 3x the damage against the shield if you know what you are doing.
Axes don't need a buff. Players do.