I must admit that i dont get all the fuzz about it .. on both ends of the line ... the players and the balancers side
Imho ... its just a "change" ... a "shift", considering , that
any wpf curve function that meets certain rough criteria would be sufficient for the purpose of the game...
Afterall, a player has to adopt to the quirks of the mechanics offered ... would it be the one or the other formular presented by the balancers.
Look at it this way : What will REALLY change ? some points more or less on a particular build, making it more or less viable, resulting in a meta change that can be good or bad ... or better said WILL result in a rather unpredictable meta change, fixing things on the one end and fucking up things on the other end... Will the game change itself ? Will it become "better" ? What does "better" mean afterall in this context ?
Will it be more fun to play ?Nothing of it will change the game in its core gameplay, nothing will really fix core glitches or unsufficientcies ... will the ping latency difference change ? Will Ranged-mechanics and related issues change? Will the overall gameplay change ?
No! Because all the QQ is caused by the players themself ... in their mind .. from their natural behavior to hate what doesnt stroke their e-peen (not talking about real bugs - whatever that means ).
The change itself is a virtual solution to a virtual rage bubble caused from bored players ( i admit, that im one of them in many occasions
Rangers will still shoot unshielded players and horses, Polearmers will still find some "OP-ness" in 2h mechanics and vice versa, shielders will still QQ about imb4 2h reach and will keep exploiting stab mechanics until it gets nerfed... nothing will really change from a different wpf-curve! ... its just an different balance, with no real advantage or disadvantage in gameplay.
Eventhough i do appreciate changes and additions of multiple kinds and types .. I do consider thisone rather unneccessary from a theoretical PoV, yet i do appreciate change itself ; It keeps the wheel rolling and keeps playership busy figuring out new things to bragg about