...most notably by reducing the proximity bonus
is this real, a proximity bonus? I thought it was a support kill bonus. Like in f.e. "I have scratched that dude another one kills him, we share the points"
Proximity bonus is like when i started cRPG with the big clsuterfucks, no wonder people tend to make gank squads again -_-
I'd like to see a reward system for teams that win a round by following commanders orders. couldnt say how tho...
time of round in proximity to flag, set by commander. If the player has been 90% within the proximity of those flags, additional bonus is granted.
I wish there was a "player" statistics somewhere that I could refer to...
NA has had such a thing i believe you have in mind.
NOT TO BE BOTHERED ABOUT FUCKING PRESSING "ctrl+M", are we in the fucking stone ages here or what. Devs you have burdened us with lots of micromanagment in strategus, dont give us such shit in cRPG too.
Valor rework pointers
- team independent
- dependent per team on their team performance and in comparison to that average then valor being granted;
- for those in the loosing team perhaps slightly easier to achieve with the notion that if the team really sucks, a good player has a tougher time
- valor, needs(?) to be fair to ranged.
- either get rid of proximity complettly or exchange it with "participated with dmg at a kill" logic. Only because someone showed up for the party aint worth jack shit. If the player did damage to a player who then got killed, he needs to be rewarded in taking that player down. Then again, if someone showed up for the party and made the opponent block constantly in one direction, and others killed him ... Isn't there a way also to registrate the blocks a person did against whom in a certain amount of time while he was hit from others?
Right now proximity bonus provides 2/3 points that were accumulated from the initial hit, to friendly players within 3m of the damaged opponent. Should probably change that to 1/4 and provide that same bonus to players within 5m or 6m of an archer/crossbowman that lands a hit on an opponent as well. Rather than having raw damage*.1 we'll probably have to change that to .2 or .3 as to make sure proximity bonus is still proving at least 1 point for decent hits. Finishing blows need to grant additional points on battle, as well as siege when near a flag. Defenders/attacks should probably get points passively for being around a flag, something small like 1 point every 15 seconds for defenders, and 1 point every 5 seconds for attackers, with an additional ~5 points for winning the round while being on the flag(attackers only).
Ignoring valour, what else about score should be adjusted?
while the finetuning you mentioned is ok, if you could read out,
- the dude provoking the enemy to make a certain block(constant open strike within close range), while a team member then finishes the enemy
- the enemy actually blocks and gets killed by another one, the dude whos attack was blocked .. can you read that situation out?
Personally I think that just standing within the flag-cap region should give you X points per second as an attacker. This way when you are the only guy on your team who makes it to the flag, and has to fend off 3 defenders all alone, you can still get enough points for valor even though you aren't on the ladder-camping team. Also this provides an incentive to go for the ninja cap. As of now, if you team is doing shit, a ninja cap is a risky move... you can go for it, and pray that you succeed and win the round for your team, or you can hop into the fray and just valor whore, which is usually pretty easy.
+1; even ranged ^^ may then decide to try caping
Since every high level player isn't necessarily better than a common level 30 player, you can't base points off of someone's level. I would guess the best way to go about doing this is that the amount of points you get per kill (or per hit, I guess) is some percent of what your victim's current score is. Of course during the earlier rounds when everyone has low score, this isn't as effective, so perhaps once someone gets over 50 score or something like that, this could go into effect. Really just whenever you would start getting more score than the current system.
this, perhaps defined as XP modifier
if lvl eq 30 => 100%
if lvl lt 30 => 100%- lvl as %
if lvl gt 30 => 100% +(lvl -30) as %
The modifier could be used either
XP for dmg = dmg dealt *modifier
y= if own dmg 3 times of average team dmg
somehow the strikes overall, hits, miss ratio(blocked and/or outmanouvered miss)