I guess I`m tired of people calling "skilled" everyone who abuses this broken mod.
I`ve duelled many times Wayne in EU3, the results are always the same, hug to abuse the hitslash and endlessly spamming.
And to those who keep saying that I whine and bitch about every player who plays a different class, and kills me, tell me this.
Have you ever seen me "whine" about cavalry??
Have you ever seen me "whine" about 1h without shield? Even now that the stab is clearly OP, I dealt with it
Have you ever seen me "whine" about ranged and saying that it`s op?? No, because ranged is not even OP, it`s just the numbers of ranged players are huge
My problem is against 2handers, because I`ve seen players who were bad, and I MEAN REALLY REALLY BAD, playing other classes, all of a sudden becoming pro just because they grabbed a kuyak and a 2h sword..