shut up noobs
1h is new 2h, now I can lolstab 24/7 with longsowrd and call it up
![Cool 8-)](
anyway lets take jokes on side and talk about reallity
with high stab damage 1h stab connect almost instantly right after chamber state
dmg is stupidly high from some reasons,
that is not even fun, that is redarded disabled whatever you want to call it.
I can agree that old one was kind of weak because of many reasons, but still lots of peoples was able to use it properly
and for fuck sake arguments of tydeus "1h stab is now on same almost same lvl awesomes of 2h" or something similar is even more stupid especialy when you use 1 hand to do that
every class have some kind of tradeoff but someone forgot about that
combined with server lag often i have no chance to block rondelbulshit or espada and that is not fun at all
to be honest I dont like how stab works in that game, there should be no or almost no stab rotation at all from sides or up side down but curent 1h stab is in my top 3 C-rpg bulshit of all time.