To be fair Teeth was acting like a lil girl that day
Oh look how OP this is and "that was easy" etc etc for like 10 rounds ^^ What you seem to not notice teeth is that your surrounded by team mates 80% of the time and while you rape with the kills its not the OP weapon that's doing it. Its usually the fact that in a gank you get the best and hardest hit in with the range and speed of the thing. I remember one incident very clear
there was me and two team mates on a bridge vs you and two team mates on a bridge. you stabbed one of my team mates in the side as he went to attack and killed him then my other team mate decided to team hit me in the back dropping my block as you stabbed and then he died. you then started talking about the weapon being op etc when it really has little to do with it 
Long story short im not denying your skill teeth or that your one of the better polearmers but most 2d polearms are only really great when surrounded by team mates. Unless you can kick great jumpspin and do all the other crap that only the great players can do then your probably going to lose a duel
I only fear stabby polearms when in the hands of a few people or in the middle of a group vs group or gank situation. apart from the awlpike i feel they are pretty well balanced.
Okay, so because I do not solo duel round the fringes of the map like all the 2h heroes do, a very high performance is caused by me teamplaying instead of the weapon? You say it yourself, 'you get the best and hardest hit in' which is entirely because of the weapon. The point is, they are really, really, really fucking great when surrounded by teammates. In a 10 vs 10 group situation which is usually the case at the start of the round, I would sit back until it got a little messy. Then I'd hop in, zigzagging around and pow, pow, pow, I'd get six kills by stabbing most people once, occasionally twice. Not that it matters because the time it takes to do a follow up stab after getting a hit in is very little. The speed at which these weapons can do that is unlike any other weapon. With a pike it would be a safer process perhaps, but way slower.
It is not that hard to surround yourself with some teammates, but in other situations they are awesome too. In a ganking situation they are very easy weapons for finishing it and getting the kill. In a getting ganked situation it is very easy to get out alive with target switching and quick stabs netting you kills. When I say very easy I don't mean that you will pull it off each time, but it is definitely easier to survive ganks than with almost any other weapon. In a 1 vs 1 situation it is not great, but hardly bad. You can throw in some overheads, jumpstabs, wiggles, fake stab glances and kicks, which allows you to have a very good chance. Sure these last two situations require quite a high degree of skill and experience, but doing good when fighting with your team does really not. As it is mostly point and click and even an average player would be able to rack up kills quickly, which very quickly tilts the chances of victory for a round towards your team.
And yes, my chat behaviour is very obnoxious, but it does help create awareness of this bullshit and it is simply true. I am literally amazed all the time by the sheer effectivity and ease of using these weapons.