Author Topic: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?  (Read 21422 times)

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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #180 on: October 07, 2013, 03:19:27 am »
My first char was named Brainsmasher, because it was a morningstar berserk.

After a while though that felt too childish for my taste (and 2h bored me), and I created my 1h main Díarmuid, after an Irish mythical hero.
Then when I joined the Nordmen, I felt people couldn't really speak that, so I renamed him to Kajia. That was a totally random pick for it's sound, but yet again, nobody knows how I pronounce it ...
the simplest way to speak it seems to be:  K - a (as in "NASA") - j (as in "joy") - (silent i) - a (same like first a)  --  K-Ahh-JJJ-Ah
when I first googled it I found nothing, and took it. Later I found out there are lots of other forms of this name, mostly female ones in norse and slavic languages (Kaja, etc.), but also one male in Turkish (Kaya).

Funny facts: Jarlek told me he wasn't quite sure of my gender for a long time (especially when I did the loading screens) (to clear that up: straight male) -- and when I first joined IRC with this name (2 years ago), some idiot showed up and claimed I stole the name from him ... but he came to the wrong neighborhood, as those were the days of my little 'fame' lol

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« Last Edit: October 07, 2013, 03:25:30 am by Kajia »

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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #181 on: October 07, 2013, 03:32:34 am »
Well, the first name I used when I started playing games online was tank buster from c&c zero hour. But eventually I went with havoc( I though of it myself, before I saw the hundreds of other using it). Eventually I went to epitaph and used that for a month or two and went back to havoc. Now that I'm playing a lot of RPGs I started making Latin sounding names with havoc. Havolius, Havocius, Havolion, etc. tbh I just use havoco for forum names.
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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #182 on: October 07, 2013, 06:32:27 am »
I read LOTR and the Silmarillion's in 5th grade and many times since (all well before the movies....they came out when I was in college) and loved all Tolkien's lore...especially the civilizations that had faded out before the Third Age - one of which was the Numenoreans (the high race of men, closest to elves).

Elindor is a blend of the Gondorian/Numenorean languages that probably doesn't mean anything specific but sounds fitting based on the kinds of words and names they had.

Been using it since probably 2003.
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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #183 on: October 07, 2013, 06:59:11 am »

Right now I'm WITCHBEARD because I am a member of captain MURDERBEARD's pirate clan. Yarrr. :pirate:


I guess I will put my story in.  I think I came up with the name while playing the Transformer game for xbox360 that was surprisingly good.  Most of the transformer games were based off the movie IPs.  I had a 360 bootlegging setup at the time and someone mentioned this one was actually good.  It was released between different COD games, so probably in Feb or March when there is a lull in big titles.  Anyway, I gave the game a shot.  Per usual, I was very good at killing people, but I've always had little sense of self preservation in video games.  Anyway, I was probably talking on xbl about how I was murdering the other team with my buddies.  Well, murder+megatron=murdertron.  And thus a legend was born.  Once xbl purged the original xbox accounts, I was able to get the gt, but it's not really my primary gt.

Anyway, Goons brought me here, and talked of how good lance cav was.  After all, they won the cav tourney, so they would know.  I liked lance cav because of my aggressive play style.  I needed a name that portrayed a certain lust for killing and a low sense of self preservation.  Hell, I didn't even care about if I TKed, because goons always said "always take the shot."  I also didn't want a role playing name.  I'm not going to sit here and write pages about who sucked who's dick, while wearing a raccoon suit.  So, I brought this moniker back, and it don't think anyone has mistaken me for a figgy role player yet.

Duke dickbutt is a goon folk legend in Napoleonic War.  So I picked that name up for a bit.

Murderbeard is related to a trend that some of you guys are familiar with.  I used to change my name every gen.  Always murder_____.  Well pirates were often nicknamed by their beards.  Blackbeard.  Barbarossa means red beard.  So why not murderbeard?  It also makes total sense in this game when you've killed a bunch of guys, and find the blood stains all over your beard.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2013, 07:04:26 am by MURDERTRON »

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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #184 on: October 07, 2013, 08:33:29 am »
I was very interested in Friedrich Nietzsche when I started playing cRPG. When he went mad of syphilis, he sent out letters signing them "Dionysus" or "The Crucified". I put the two names together, and it stuck. However, Dionysus wasn't my first character...
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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #185 on: October 07, 2013, 08:56:14 am »
After returning from a wake I was eating McDonalds and I was trying to come up with a name and the thought of death was still stuck in my head. Thus creating McDeath. Since then the name has evolved to MC_Death because Arrowaine could never pronounce it right
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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #186 on: October 07, 2013, 01:13:12 pm »
Hmmm, I just chose my last name.

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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #187 on: October 07, 2013, 02:12:09 pm »
It started with CS, I guess. Kamikaze reflects my play style. I love playing with a wanton abandon for my avatar's well-being.

Joe was just a random name I tacked onto Kamikaze.
The alternating capitalization happened because I was 14.

I haven't changed my name since  :D

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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #188 on: October 07, 2013, 06:53:11 pm »
I was very interested in Friedrich Nietzsche when I started playing cRPG. When he went mad of syphilis, he sent out letters signing them "Dionysus" or "The Crucified". I put the two names together, and it stuck. However, Dionysus wasn't my first character...
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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #189 on: October 07, 2013, 07:30:54 pm »
Hmmm, I just chose my last name.

That is my last name as well. How funny. Mine is just spelled Holladay.

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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #190 on: October 07, 2013, 08:36:33 pm »
Ex-girlfriend suggested it at the time...still holds true according to the current

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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #191 on: October 08, 2013, 03:08:41 am »
Erasmas: A fraa at Saunt Baritoe's in Fourteenth Century A.R.,
who, along with Suur Uthentine founded the branch of metatheorics
called Complex Protism.

                                       - THE DICTIONARY, 4th edition, A.R. 3000

also a namesake - a young fraa of the Decenarian chapter of Edharian Order in the Concent of Saunt Edhar, being one of the main characters described in Anathem by Neil Stephenson

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Nick created when I read the book, roughly when Grey Order was created. I had a feeling it will fit well to the RP side of GO, and just read this:

Powerful unforeseen forces jeopardize the peaceful stability of mathic life and the established ennui of the Extramuros—a threat that only an unsteady alliance of saecular and avout can oppose—as, one by one, Erasmas and his colleagues, teachers, and friends are summoned forth from the safety of the concent in hopes of warding off global disaster. Suddenly burdened with a staggering responsibility, Erasmas finds himself a player in a drama that will determine the future of his world—as he sets out on an extraordinary odyssey that will carry him to the most dangerous, inhospitable corners of the planet . . . and beyond.

Now tell me it does not fit to our Strat adventures :D

[EDIT 2]

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« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 03:26:45 am by Erasmas »
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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #192 on: October 08, 2013, 04:42:17 am »
I spelled "Navarre" wrong when I had to name my first online character almost fifteen years ago.  Just kinda stuck with it ever since.
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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #193 on: October 08, 2013, 02:35:12 pm »
"Hirlok" just "came to me" as a good char name a loooong time ago (was it playing Baldur's Gate??? or DSA???).

Originally he was a barbarian-style character, but then became the old hermit and archer/mage (well, no magic in M&B...) he is today.

He has seen many incarnations, the latest being my main Skyrim char.

The name is rather unique - I discovered years later that a village in India is named Hirlok, and it came to my attention that some game makers (game of thrones or something...) honored me and named one of the NPCs in game after me ;-)
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Re: How did you come up with your Gamer Name?
« Reply #194 on: October 08, 2013, 03:37:57 pm »
As you can imagine how retarded I probably was for naming myself BillyJoeBob, this all goes back to 2010 around when Warband was released. Don't ask me why on Earth I used this name. Maybe for some reason at the age of 17, I thought it would be funny to name myself after some redneck hillbilly, that for some reason, that was a funny image. Now I spit at myself for being so silly.

A few months after the release of Warband I applied to join Einherjar (same as Angantyr), and around that time I realized how stupid my name was, so I just googled "Viking Name Generator" because I had absolutely no imagination. I was prompted with the names Bjorn and something-hinn and decided to mash them together as "Bjordhinn". In the later years, people had settled on simply calling me "Bjord" and I decided to just go with Bjord in around summer 2011.

Other names I've used:

Cactusblock when I was 11 (don't even ask)
Crowe when I was 13 (saw Gladiator and thought Russel Crowe's name looked cool)
Bliss when I was either 14 or 15. No idea what it meant at the time, just thought it sounded cool. Later found out Bliss means happiness and wasn't so fond of it anymore. However, I was a well known player in the Movie Battles community, and I didn't want to bother changing my name. Almost all names my names came from my time playing jk2 (Jedi Knight Outcast) and jka. Probably the only online games that I played as much as cRPG, if not more.

Funny fact: As most of you know, I'm not exactly the humblest guy. Well, that was also true in 2007-2008 when I was called "Bliss". Some wise crackers came up with the jokes "Arrogance is Bliss" and "Bliss is ignorance".

That's all the history for today, kids. Don't forget to do your home work!
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