My first ever nickname was badwilly88. (and damn, it's still my steam account...)
Back at thoses days, as a french dude, adding some english felt badass, even more if it was "bad".
Willy is just a rough diminutive translation of my own name, and 88 is, ofc, my birth year. What incredible imagination.
Couldn't play with such a name though, so i created Bulzur from scratch. Sounds better in french, and has often been my name in paper rpgs, like dungeon 3.5.
I'm still amazed when i google it to see it's some kind of weird shogimonster (what the hell is that ?), but also a spanish group. Else, only me. Unique name it seems.
Bayard, used for my shielder, comes from the great knight Bayard, in french history.
Kurogane comes from my otaku side. First time i crossed that name, it was in Tsubasa Chronicle, and i really liked the character. So kept it for me "fake" ninja.
Leyla is a name i found in some fantasy litterature, and i really liked the tone of it. Of course, this community started talking to her (so to me) in turkish, so i understood it came from there. Probably.