It doesn't really make sense that people complain about 1h facehug stabs when polearms have always been able to do just that. I don't think anybody would argue it is normal to hit for full damage with a long spear yet not with a short sword when your target is 10 centimeters away.
You're comparing a 4 direction 1 hander to a 1 direction hoplite though. Otherwise you're comparing to someone who doesn't get the antiranged ability of the shield while fighting, or who has to manual block every incoming attack (can't block 2 directions at once etc). Or they have no side swings available with a crappy overhead, or they have a crappy stab damage with 3 other directions, huge movement speed nerf (some turn speed nerf too) with the length of the weapon etc. The stab is balanced by taking something else away that limits the player in some fashion, encourages them to play in a certain way with their team or adds some extra level of skill requirement.
1 hand with shield is just an amazing multi tasker atm. They aren't really limited in any particular way. They have the shield, 4 directions, awesome stab, great feinting/insta hit on some swings, naturally hits the head with swing animations etc. The stab isn't even short, its got a great range and is active early and late in the animation. Someone has tried to balance 1 handers with 2 handers based on the 2 hand stab, but they forget the utility that a shield brings when you have it active all the time with your primary weapon, and 1 hand with shield has been very strong in the meta game for ages due to the amount of ranged and that left swing.
Solutions for me are to stop trying to balance around the 2 hand stab. Do something with 2 hand stab if you need to, just make it harder to use well than it is now. Stop trying to move away too much from A-synchronous game balance. Its ok that 1 handers don't have a great stab as well as great other directions (but make the stab useful in some situations). Its ok that polearms have weaker swings than 2 handers but a good stab. Its ok that 2 hand have a nice stab (but it is kind of quirky and their swings are amazing too). 1 hand with shield never needed a big buff with its attacks