People, you have to educate yourselves about certain issues first before crying "facists" and playing the "n a z i - card" all the time.
You can't compare todays "so called facists" (let them be in Greece or anywhere else in europe) to real facists/national socialists from former times.
Golden Dawn, our example here, are patriots and nationalists. Yeah, maybe you even can call them "national socialists", because they only and especially care for their nation and greek people. Is the hierarchy in between their organisation fascistic, yeah, I think so, but that lies in the nature of their cause.
The problem in Greece is mostly muslim foreigners / immigrants, alot of them illegally in the country, are flooding the market with fake wares. They are not respecting the rules and laws, openly showing their hate and disrespect to western/christian/greek culture, announcing that they want to build more mosques and introduce sharia law to Greece, the same goes for almost every other european country.
Illegal immigrants are raping, plundering, stealing and molest greek people almost every day, but you rarely hear, see, or read something about it (again, same goes for many other europeans contries, including France, UK and Germany) because most media are to scared or manipulated by the government. You can't say something against immigrants or muslims anywhere in europe, or you are a facist and n a z i.
Those people from Golden Dawn try to save the greek people, and it is sad that there isn't such an organisation in every other european country.
I can list you a lot of events I personally noticed, heard from friends or read about in not-manipulated media concerning how the situation is in a lot of cities and townships in Germany, and the situation is almost the same as in athens, but don't you dare to talk about it, then you are a facist.
All this hypocrites in the government, brainwashed people, multicultural-fetishists, and far-left "let's all shake hands for poor (muslim) immigrants" morons, I just feel pity and disgust for them.
And just to get this straight: My girlfriend is „only“ half-german, I personally have nothing against foreign people in general, the problem are muslim-immigrants. I am not talking about muslims who live in european countries since 40 years and are integrated. I am talking about „newer“, illegal immigrants and mostly young muslims (who even have a passport of the european country they live in or were born in) but still hate western culture, christianity and white people, disrespect the law, are criminals or become radicals who want to introduce sharia in europe.
Finally, concerning the OP link:
Those „anti-facists“ and anarchists chose the wrong side. If you have to chose between your culture, people and nation, why the hell would you chose to defend and help the people that hate your society, want to destroy it and replace it with their own ancient beliefs and religion? Why defend the persons that hate and exploit your country and harm your fellow countrymen? I don' know a single reason.
I don't want to live in a dictatorship, but if the only people that are caring for their countrymen, their culture and beliefs, their laws and rules, are fascistiod, I rather chose their side than the other.
And now, giev lots of minus and call me a n a z i, cause that's what you get nowadays for telling the truth …