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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2013, 11:42:08 am »
I understand your point however to be honest at those hours in the morning, when all of us friends are having a super happy time party, I really couldn't give a shit if Mr 20-0 KD is getting all hot and bothered cause some guys are fucking about.

When the server is pretty much dead I don't really care too, since the fewer the players the bigger the impact of some random guys so its hard to do much team tactics anyway, and there are no admins. When its litterally 5v5 or something though, 20vs20 can still be a time when I don't want people messing around
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 11:57:22 am by Grumbs »
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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2013, 11:47:35 am »
There was  this called having a good time ( "inspired by Shanks and other veterans") boxing matches top of map different kind of matches end of the round etc...

I really can't remember when that used to be even remotely funny.
This mod is like 3 years old now and every fucking time shanks is on the server he will dedicate half of the time he's alive  to standing around "hugging" (hahahha, whoaa never seen that! Did you know that when you like hold a punch you can make it looks like you're HUGGING someone?! crazy what you can do with this engine :-)))") various teammates and spamming the chat with xD because it's that funny to him.
I mean Shanks and his clan are sound guys overall but this kind of delaying is just so fucking annoying when it's 3am and you have to witness the last 3 people doing this EVERY ROUND on EVERY MAP for the LAST 3 CONTINUOUS years. In my mind I always scream at those people CMON LET ME FUCKING PLAY THE GAME ALREADY IVE SEEN YOUR STUPID DEAD JOKES MORE THAN ONE TIME TOO OFTEN JUST PLAY THE FUCKING GAME AND DONT JUST STAND THERE GIGGLING LIKE LITTLE SCHOOLGIRLS.

You're a real piece of shit for defending this kind of perma delaying that literally used to stop being funny (apparantly not for all of us) a few years ago.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 02:27:21 pm by wayyyyyne »

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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2013, 11:54:09 am »
I really can't remember when that used to be even remotely funny.
This mod is like 3 years old now and every fucking time shanks is on the server he will dedicate half of the time he's alive  to standing around "hugging" (hahahha, whoaa never seen that! Did you know that when you like hold a punch you can make it look like you're HUGGING someone?! crazy what you can do with this engine :-)))") various teammates and spamming the chat with xD because it's that funny to him.
I mean Shanks and his clan are sound guys overall but this kind of delaying is just so fucking annoying when it's 3am and you have to witness the last 3 people doing this EVERY ROUND on EVERY MAP for the LAST 3 CONTINUOUS years. In my mind I always scream at those people CMON LET ME FUCKING PLAY THE GAME ALREADY IVE SEEN YOUR STUPID DEAD JOKES MORE THAN ONE TIME TOO OFTEN JUST PLAY THE FUCKING GAME AND DONT JUST STAND THERE GIGGLING LIKE LITTLE SCHOOLGIRLS.

You're a real piece of shit for defending this kind of perma delaying that literally used to stop being funny (apparantly not for all of us) a few years ago.

preach mah nigga

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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2013, 12:16:29 pm »
Ok this is my private phone number, call me 24/7 if you have problems, i will come and ban delayers.

+48 42 671 07 68
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.

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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2013, 12:17:51 pm »
I really can't remember when that used to be even remotely funny.
This mod is like 3 years old now and every fucking time shanks is on the server he will dedicate half of the time he's alive  to standing around "hugging" (hahahha, whoaa never seen that! Did you know that when you like hold a punch you can make it look like you're HUGGING someone?! crazy what you can do with this engine :-)))") various teammates and spamming the chat with xD because it's that funny to him.
I mean Shanks and his clan are sound guys overall but this kind of delaying is just so fucking annoying when it's 3am and you have to witness the last 3 people doing this EVERY ROUND on EVERY MAP for the LAST 3 CONTINUOUS years. In my mind I always scream at those people CMON LET ME FUCKING PLAY THE GAME ALREADY IVE SEEN YOUR STUPID DEAD JOKES MORE THAN ONE TIME TOO OFTEN JUST PLAY THE FUCKING GAME AND DONT JUST STAND THERE GIGGLING LIKE LITTLE SCHOOLGIRLS.

You're a real piece of shit for defending this kind of perma delaying that literally used to stop being funny (apparantly not for all of us) a few years ago.

Nice Rage, But the joke isn't really dead for us, I mean there are surprisingly quite a few guys that get a laugh from hugging eachother and doing silly stuff, maybe we are off our heads too much or we are just childish but its still funny to us. Maybe you should think that if its 3am and in your head you are screaming and going crazy just go to bed, We are not screaming or getting angry, insulting people or anything, we are just having a lovely pleasant time, anyone can join in, spread love not hate! :D
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 12:23:54 pm by zottlmarsch »
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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #35 on: September 15, 2013, 12:26:25 pm »
Nice Rage, But the joke isn't really dead for us, I mean there are surprisingly quite a few guys that get a laugh from hugging eachother and doing silly stuff, maybe we are off our heads to much or we are just childish but its still funny to us. Maybe you should think that if its 3am and in your head you are screaming and going crazy just go to bed, We are not screaming or getting angry, insulting people or anything, we are just having a lovely pleasant time, anyone can join in, spread love not hate! :D
Alright, but just consider that there is a fine line between having your fun with laughs and having your fun with laughs at someone elses expense. Atleast make sure who your crowd is. For example, a man waving his willie around the public mybe funny to some people, but to a mom taking a walk with her 4 year old, the thing is very far from a joke.

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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #36 on: September 15, 2013, 12:34:11 pm »
Rules are not there to limit the "fun". Rules are there to give EVERYONE an equal chance at having fun. When you break rules, any of them, you are ruining someone's fun. That is all there is to it.

If you play the game to "hug", maybe you are playing the wrong game or are on the wrong server. If you don't give a shit about all the dead players, that get to silently watch you fuck about every round, well, it's a shame that you're such an egoistical shithead. :|

Well, this thread did achieve *something*. I will, from now on, show far less tolerance towards such behaviour, whenever i am on the server.

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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #37 on: September 15, 2013, 12:34:20 pm »
Nice Rage, But the joke isn't really dead for us, I mean there are surprisingly quite a few guys that get a laugh from hugging eachother and doing silly stuff, maybe we are off our heads too much or we are just childish but its still funny to us. Maybe you should think that if its 3am and in your head you are screaming and going crazy just go to bed, We are not screaming or getting angry, insulting people or anything, we are just having a lovely pleasant time, anyone can join in, spread love not hate! :D

I'm just gonna reiterate what others have already said here:

Why not go to Eu3 if it's really that much fun?
Is the fun you have more important than the fun others don't have?

Besides that it's only the same 5 or so culprits who start this kind of shit anyway. It's either shanks, konstantin, diego, micah or some other guy affiliated to SoA in some way or another to start this kinda crap. Usually they drag those who are legitametly new to this into it but it's really only like a handful of people who deliberatly start it and keep it going. This leaves you with a whole bunch of people who never found it to be funny or at least stopped doing so some time ago.
Oh and the fun you guys have seems to me like the kind of fun when downies first discover they can touch their own junk.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 12:41:29 pm by wayyyyyne »

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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #38 on: September 15, 2013, 12:41:26 pm »
I'm just gonna reiterate what others have already said here:

Why not go to Eu3 if it's really that much fun?
Is the fun you have more important than the fun others don't have?

Besides that it's only the same 5 or so culprits who start this kind of shit anyway. It's either shanks, konstantin, diego, micah or some other guy affiliated to SoA in some way or another to start this kinda crap. Usually they drag those who are legitametly new to this into it but it's really only like a handful of people who deliberatly start it and keep it going. This leaves you with a whole bunch of people who never found it to be funny or at least stopped doing so some time ago.
Oh and the fun you guys have seems to me like the kind of fun when downies first discover they can touch their own junk.

There is a difference between you having fun and the rest of the server not. In the MErcs we have great laughs by playing within the rules, we get our kicks by all playing wonky builds and doing this in mass, these are mainly spontaneous and makes them even more funny, we dont waste time or break any rules, have fun that way. I know for the next Merc event we are contemplating mass Throwing lances, with around 15 people hopefully.

15x4 = 60 throwing lances, this may not back up my point because we are gonna make a lot of people rage, which is fun for us maybe not for the other person, but its well withing the rules, try having fun this way.

I'm just gonna reiterate what others have already said here:

Why not go to Eu3 if it's really that much fun?
Is the fun you have more important than the fun others don't have?

Besides that it's only the same 5 or so culprits who start this kind of shit anyway. It's either shanks, konstantin, diego, micah or some other guy affiliated to SoA in some way or another to start this kinda crap. Usually they drag those who are legitametly new to this into it but it's really only like a handful of people who deliberatly start it and keep it going. This leaves you with a whole bunch of people who never found it to be funny or at least stopped doing so some time ago.
Oh and the fun you guys have seems to me like the kind of fun when downies first discover they can touch their own junk.
All headed by their admin friend Fin, by letting them kill each other, hug and do nothing all round, i really dont think anyone who comes from the depths of hell (EU4) should be admin

Plus the devs or head admin team have a knack of picking new admins who aren't very active seems logical
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 12:44:59 pm by strudog »
This is the internet.
Men are men
Women are men
Little girls are FBI agents.
Those are the rules no?

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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #39 on: September 15, 2013, 12:43:23 pm »
well, it's a shame that you're such an egoistical shithead. :|

Oh and  the fun you guys have seems to me like the kind of fun when downies first discover they can touch their own junk.

Nice name calling and insults guys, What big men you are. I'm not calling any names or anything just saying my point of view. As I said, we are finding it fun. I don't play this game for your enjoyment but for my own and for my buddies, and us group of guys have a laugh together by doing this shit, 100% of the time during the day I play normally.

There is a difference between you having fun and the rest of the server not. In the MErcs we have great laughs by playing within the rules, we get our kicks by all playing wonky builds and doing this in mass, these are mainly spontaneous and makes them even more funny, we dont waste time or break any rules, have fun that way. I know for the next Merc event we are contemplating mass Throwing lances, with around 15 people hopefully.

Thats fine for you guys, personally I wouldn't find that as much fun and would rather stick to our way of having a laugh. But its cool that you guys have a good laugh that way!  :D
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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #40 on: September 15, 2013, 12:45:30 pm »

Oh and the fun you guys have seems to me like the kind of fun when downies first discover they can touch their own junk.

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And now he can't play because of "common sense" and he doesn't understand how this common sense works
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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #41 on: September 15, 2013, 12:47:12 pm »
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good times in eu_4
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #42 on: September 15, 2013, 12:54:14 pm »
Wow, you're so zany Zlisch
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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #43 on: September 15, 2013, 01:06:59 pm »
opening this thread

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Re: Freaking anal boys
« Reply #44 on: September 15, 2013, 01:26:44 pm »
But yeah in general, I agree. There are limits to how much fun hugging and boxing matches are.

I suggest to the accused to keep it at a reasonable minimum. (Backed by the promise of bans, to those who have deserved it by minor abuses over time.)

Especially, but not limited to, certain SoA players, you know who you are. Please inform your members that it would be appreciated if you could find less-delaying ways to have your fun.

This also goes for those feeling free to sour the mood and being anal in other ways, be it delaying by HX, hiding xbowers who are always last, boxing champions, hugging toddlers, and loudmouths who are not able to stop their oral diarrhea. (chat-wise)

We need to respect each other and be a bit understanding both ways simply, and try not to delay too much.

If only for the sake of extending the life of this mod we all love.

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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.