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Yes, been posted before. Rather than practicing swinging a weapon, it would be better to go 1 hander and learn a martial art that specializes in takedowns, because that's all that really matters in that sport.
Lemon Luther King JR, has a dream, where all trolls are treated with fairness and equality. Lemon's want to be able to vote, and ride in the front of the bus, and drink from the same fountain that we do. Please right this inequality
I guess I haven't made enough of an impression this strat. Feel like the fat girl at the homecoming dance. No one wants to dance! I'm also a raging friend
On something awful he'd be banned for such a worthless post and be out 10bux.
Okay, I need your protection, your love.
Oh, now I get it! Gobblin' king, like he's gobbling up all the things on the map. Or maybe he's just some jive turkey...