@People complaining about throwing gimps
The current argument for reducing ammo for throwers is that it is unrealistic to carry that many throwing. Which is fine, I am all for realism.
But to maintain balance you have to increase something else to make up for it. That never happens, because of the reasoning used for balancing.
That is "cheap" and "there is too much of that" is all opinion and should never be used to balance.
The only unbiased goal for balancing any game: Every class and build has the same ability to top a scoreboard or win the round.
There is nothing wrong with "cheap" but there is something wrong with being overpowered.
Does anyone else agree with this?
I totally do.
Moreover a good clue to see if a class is too much nerfed , is to look how many player plays it.
after 0.220 three fourth of thrower are gone. Only real thrower remained , the other took again there real class (two handed thrower went back only two hand , same for onehanded shield thrower)
But since 0.223 even real thrower playing it since the begining are getting to other class. Nobody plays them on server. Even thrower throwing cheap ammo (war darts) have been nerfed.
Or take throwing lance for example. You could put his price to 20 000 , ask 8 or 9 power throw to be able to carry it , and let people carry 4 or 6 of them so it would be only against cav and useless against infantery .. But now , we can carry only 2 of them , i concede that they only cost 8000 but who will carry only two ammo when you know that on good horses one is not enough to kill?