I would want to say "omg this ranged QQ again" but the word "again" doesnt seem to fit here since it implies that there was a period in between sometime when people did in fact
not complain about ranged in the first place. This complaining seems to be more of a constant in the cRPG universe.
I cant even feel offended anymore by the stupidity of suggestions such as "too much ranged !!! nerf ranged damage, nerf their speed, nerf this nerf that nerf their ammo count etc." because everyone knows already that the stats are not the problem. Still claiming they are just reveals ones lack of understanding for the game mechanics, hence, why devs maybe wont take your complains seriously. I dont know how often I wrote this down but I will again; the problem is the lack of ability to play as a team ( omg not again ).
For some reason in cRPG the willingness to give a fuck about anyone but yourself and your heroism is astonishingly, mindfuckingly low. In almost every other game I played, there is some form of very basic code consisting of things you intuitively do to assist your allies. I am not a big fan of MOBA games but take things like LoL or Dota for example:
If you feed the enemy, people from your team will probably scream at their computer screens while writing very unkind things in chat to let you know that you are HURTING YOUR TEAM. Or for instance, if you are a healer and a nearby teammate is low on health, wouldnt it be ABSOLUTELY NATURAL that you heal said teammate ? You get the deal.
To transfer this matter to cRPG, since it is known that archers are good at ranged at not so good at melee ( since this is how the whole class shit works right ? pros and cons ) shouldnt it be ABSOLUTELY NATURAL to let your archers shoot the other archers instead of charging in there alone without a shield ?
Nope ... not in cRPG ... what the hell are you thinking ??? In cRPG I still see 2h's chasing HA's through the whole map, which they will obviously never catch, while teammate archers are getting slaughtered by enemy shielders. Why should anyone give a fuck about those my old friendgy archers right ? If enemy archers gank your shieldless pure melee build because your team has no archers left at the end of the round, then there is nothing wrong with you, there is obviously something wrong with the game right ? But hey, afterall melee is the right way to play and ranged is simply wrong and defending your archers would be a disgrace to melee masterrace. If you cant kill them all yourself, you can always go to the forum and say that ranged is bullshit because OP and that there is NO WAY to counter them ( that doesnt include holding W until you are in melee range ).
I cant understand how anyone even expects to be taken seriously when he proposes that gameplay mechanics should be ballanced in a way that he alone with his specific build is able to counter EVERYTHING in the game. In fact, IMO the lack of certain capabilities for some classes such as ranged weapons, shields, horses etc. is THE key aspect that sets this game on top of so many other games where everyone can do roughly the same, which is shooting a gun in most cases. This system should beg for more teamplay than in most other games and it baffles me how the average member of the cRPG community coult possibly get so egocentric as it is the case now.
Damn ... I did again. I wanted not to do it again but I couldnt help myself. I wrote all this down and I already know that people will go "omfg lawl fuckin bullshit", then hop into the game, hold W into a swarm of archers as soon as the round starts, get shot to pieces and then come here and say "wololo ranged OP nurf lol good joooooke devs I quit cuz you kill teh gaem".
Sad, very sad.