Any person traveling inside our territory is under our protection for trade. By attacking inside our territory your trade and passage access will be revoked.
So what about armies that march through Raven lands, to deal hostilities in our lands? Are those cleared for "trade" in Raven lands? What happens when these non-trade armies retreat back to your lands after provoking our hostilities by marching into our lands? Seems like harboring of our enemies to me. They stage their attacks from Raven lands, poke our lands, and then retreat back to the safety of your lands.
Somehow I don't think that's what Relit meant with his statements about allowing traders neutrality in their lands.
If you're going to allow hostile armies to march through Raven lands, into our lands, you can't expect us to chase them and then give up pursuit once they hit the imaginary line in the sand that Raven has carved. It's contradictory at best, and harboring our enemies at worst.
If they aren't a trading army, they shouldn't be expecting Raven to protect them. Once they send an army through your lands and into our lands, they should no longer be part of your free trade passage statement, they're clearly a hostile army.