Cant feed anyone when they are all must be one of those euro "scholars", wants peace and the whole likes. Hey hows about this, ill myself pay for a round trip to Syria, ill even give you a few loaves of bread, i want you to feed as many of them as you can. Dont worry about the massive fuel bombs, the gas, or the tanks or rockets rolling through the streets. Just keep handing out those bread loaves.
You do know we attempted to send relief aid to civilians in Afghanistan by air crates and trucks which ended up being stolen by the insurgents......repeatedly, but hey then again, like i said, ill ship you over no problem.
Proof of why im not supplying you with a truck, and only arm fulls of bread:
I don't understand how you cannot see that one side must always win in a revolution, there will not be a "hey lets call it even and we will just go back to our homes like nothing ever happened". And in this case if we can make it easier for one side to win, to remove someone who is causing harm to the public, who aren't fighting, then why not.
The problem is, when a foreign intervention happens, no-one wins. I can understand that the people want to help those are in need. And I can understand seeing or hearing about people dying everyday may be worrisome for many. However, when you look to our recent history, any and all interventions failed miserably.
With UN SC Resolution 794, in 1992, United States-led United Nations Peacekeeping Forces were deployed to Somalia, in order to end the Civil War and put a stop to reign of warlords that had so much power with so limited liability. Somalian government, after the death of their president, in 1991, had little to no power to stop those paramilitary organisations. In a nutshell, Somalia was in chaos. So, like I said in the first line, United States-led forces went to Somalia. First, as unarmed military observers. However, later on, there were small and middle scale battles between warlords and United States (and US-led) forces. In 1995, United States and United Nations withdrawn from Somalia. With nothing actually accomplished, other then tax-payers money, being spent, and soldiers, dying.
Operation Enduring Freedom. Damn. I love that name. So much to offer. From 2001 to now, thousands and thousands had died. And for what? To take Taliban down from Afghani Government? To end terrorism? To end the slaughter of many, and to end injustice? Perhaps to successfully dismantle al-Qaeda and Taliban? Yeh, Taliban was successfully overthrown for like... couple of years, where they regrouped and turned back to terrorism.
Operation Iraqi Freedom. Yay. An another Operation ending with Freedom. Successfully overthrowing Saddam Hussein and... destabilizing the whole damn country. With the reason of the war, found out to be false. Over 20 thousand dead and more then 100 thousand injured from Coalition-side. Adding to that nearly thirty thousand dead and forty thousand wounded from the Iraqi-side. Lets not forget the civilian deaths. According to Iraq Body Count project, at least 110 000 civilians are killed. Lancet survey, however, implies that the actual body count is more then 600 000. Cult wars too. But hey. Saddam is overthrown.
Sure. Lets repeat the history over and over again.
What I find most hilarious once more is your way of thinking. You sure don't have to have PhD to learn, research and discuss about politics, economics or social issues. You just have to have a brain and an ability to think logically, with all the data that could be provided.