Maybe not, Norules, but since Siege is where you go to learn so you can go EU1 after, who the fuck cares about capturing castles.
Native is a nice singleplayer game, I mean who doesnt want to be king or queen of their own continent (If you join some other kings faction etc to build your character, your a pussy, go solo or go home), but native multiplayer is a bad game. factions not balanced against one another realistically, most servers outright block khergits from ever being an option tbh outside of siege, and the cash for kills and wins system is stolen directly from counterstrike 1.6. Add that ranged, especially crossbows, are too powerful, too accurate, too high rate of fire and get some decent sidearms and shields, it IS cs 1.6.... "Enemy Spotted" pewpewpewpew "Enemy down" "Roger that".