Author Topic: for chadz how to premiate skill of player and integrate upkeep (suggestion)  (Read 2829 times)

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Offline Vicious666

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Make that k/d ratio influence  % of  upkeep  in positive(like less % with good k/d)  or adding a fix bonus in gold to remove from upkeep request.    we wanna that the mod is more skill based right?

If a player take  the risk to use 150k worth of equip? if he fail he  probably gonna pay it salty with 5k or more gold in upkeep,   but if he succeed and  do dunno  2:1 3:1 ? 4:1 ?   he must have a compensation, an incentive   like less to pay in upkeep maybe with a  fix formula  :

1:1  k/d  you do your job for team    no malus no bonus
2:1 k/d  you are doing fine,    -100g in upkeep when one of your item  require upkeep, if item is worth  less than 100g in repair,  is automatically repaired. (you cant earn gold from this system)
3: 1 k/d very well - 250g
4: 1 k/d awesome - 400 g

etc etc,   chose a formula.

that will incentive player to risk   better equip    basing on theyr ability, it will make  upkeep not depending on  random %  only,      but by the skill of the players.    and who is really good can afford to make the difference and go around with expensive stuff at his own risk,     not becouse a system chosed that mathematically for him.

living all in the hands of the ability of players, so who wear a plate in game, really deserve it 

you can even consider to  place negative bonus for who do negative k/d     like more chance to upkeep item or more gold to pay , so pp, will be much lessed  inclined to LEECH, or go afk,  everybody will try to do theyr best for win.

another thing is the autobalance, work only first time it simply move on other side all first 5-10 player who made better  kill ratio, than all other round are unbalanced.
if we place more autobalance like  at round 1 3 and 5,     teams will be more even,       majority of games end  4:1   5:0

of course if is technically possible

this system will remove many things

1) random upkeep not based on ability of player
2) if integrated also in negative k/d  will remove leechers, naked ppl et
3) better autobalance
4) will force ppl to collaborate more and be more tactician, than only zerg  like now.   

ps: will be better have  exp area as previously,           fix bonus in xp and gold only promote leechers,  and less  willing to play in group with ths

ps: other small balance,    1h+shield user  upkeep cost more than  2handers/pole users.      also throwing users deserve to have theyr cost on throwing weapon lowered,         for example a 1h+shield user + thowing risk to pay twice  if not more  in upkeep than a 2h/pole user  (who usually hold 1 weapon only)

or for quote a guy who answered me on another 3d

A damage counter would be.

this system can work also,      more dmg i do more discount or less % to upkeep i will receive.       whatever     encourage personal ability imho is good
but  dmg counter will not have any drawback in case of ppl not doing dmg/killing    and going negative, thats why i proposed based on k/d
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 02:18:55 pm by Vicious666 »

Offline Vicious666

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with such system you can go even further, where good  k/d ratio give more exp etc etc.

shitload of way to  give bonus to who wanna risk more equip and maybe is good enought for play with it  making the difference for the team, making rounds more   and victory   meritocracy and skill based

Offline krampe

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Reasonable post, i'd like to have a more skill based earning aswell. Though this will lead to more kill prurience and stealing.
Just adding a scorer bounty was already mentioned in other topics and will be probably easier to implement, but your approach sound good too.

To the autobalance, i experienced that its a bit more sophistacted after the start and don't just take the top 5 scorer to the losing team.
But the next balancer start mostly 3 rounds later and moves the top 1 and some medicores from winning team to the losers.
(Probably because enough in the loser have  team left the game)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 02:10:10 pm by krampe »
Sacrum Romanum Imperium

Yeah, well you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.

Offline Vicious666

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Reasonable post, i'd like to have a more skill based earning aswell. Though this will lead to more kill prurience and stealing.
Just adding a scorer bounty was already mentioned in other topics and will be probably easier to implement.

To the autobalance, i experienced that its a bit more sophistacted after the start and don't just take the top 5 scorer to the losing team.
But the next balancer start mostly 3 rounds later and moves the top 1 and some medicores from winning team to the losers.
(Probably because enough in the loser have  team left the game)

i noticed it also, about balance but is too broken at start,     it stuck too much   on 1 side,    that later when move 1-2 player        make no difference.i now becouse sometimes at round 3-4    it switch me on other side if i am first -.-

Offline Michael

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Rewarding players for personal kills was discussed and is not wanted.

And I support this.

Even today we have way too many people that play for their e-peen and want to be on top of the scoreboard at any cost by collecting easy kills.

Many kills doesnt mean anything.

Many wannabe-pros with outstanding kill death ratio run away from every good player, and hunt peasants instead.

A top player (tries to) takes out the enemies top players. That includes of course a high risk, and could mean he gets only a few kills or none at all.
For example, when I see your fellow Merc Bjord on the enemy team, I always try to kill, injure or at least keep him busy and block him for a while, simply because I know when he has a good run he can kill many of my teammates.
I have seen your leader Oberyn more than once charge a plated horse archer, while the rest of our lancers were letting him alone and hunting peasants, losing his horse and being gang-banged afterwards. (I saved him, or at least tried, when I could). Also, Oberyn would rather chase me  the whole round around the map and getting no kill at all instead of collecting easy kills by backstabbing peasants. Thats what makes a top battle/team player. Someone who (tries to) takes out the biggest menace on the enemy team. Kills alone mean nothing.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 03:08:09 pm by Michael »
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Offline krampe

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Just take the enemies level into account like 5 level less = no bounty (then you will get flamed by own team members for killing peasants)
Sacrum Romanum Imperium

Yeah, well you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.

Offline Kafein

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Just take the enemies level into account like 5 level less = no bounty (then you will get flamed by own team members for killing peasants)

Even better, get no bonus for killing a guy with 0 kills. The reward scales with how much kills your victim did this round, and it's level.

Offline Michael

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Even better, get no bonus for killing a guy with 0 kills. The reward scales with how much kills your victim did this round, and it's level.

In a few days almost everyone will have the same level (soft level cap).

Also, as I said, kills alone doesnt say anything.

Nowadays, people work together to kill that beast of an enemy. For a while. Then they press tab and get jealous.

Your ideas would lead to more jealousy, kill-stealing and so on. Not a good idea.

The idea I like the most is a bit hard to do, but I think there should be a commander and this guy should be able to divide up the plunder. The more teammates survive a round, the more bonus the commander will have, and he will decide who gets the bonus. Something like that. Like in Strategus, but for crpg. Sounds complicated, and probably is. 
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This is a true story (and yay for e-peen but normally I'm not that awesome).
When I started as peasant after the patch, I took my level 1 zero damage club and blocked two plated twohanders alone until my team killed every other enemy somewhere else. As I saw them coming to relieve me I got sloppy, died and watched those two twohanders kill all the 20 allies left. Makes me cry. Makes me cry even more if I get punished for being a skilless nab without kills.

Offline Michael

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This is a true story (and yay for e-peen but normally I'm not that awesome).
When I started as peasant after the patch, I took my level 1 zero damage club and blocked two plated twohanders alone

Where was me? =)

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Offline Vicious666

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Rewarding players for personal kills was discussed and is not wanted.

And I support this.

Even today we have way too many people that play for their e-peen and want to be on top of the scoreboard at any cost by collecting easy kills.

Many kills doesnt mean anything.

Many wannabe-pros with outstanding kill death ratio run away from every good player, and hunt peasants instead.

A top player (tries to) takes out the enemies top players. That includes of course a high risk, and could mean he gets only a few kills or none at all.
For example, when I see your fellow Merc Bjord on the enemy team, I always try to kill, injure or at least keep him busy and block him for a while, simply because I know when he has a good run he can kill many of my teammates.
I have seen your leader Oberyn more than once charge a plated horse archer, while the rest of our lancers were letting him alone and hunting peasants, losing his horse and being gang-banged afterwards. (I saved him, or at least tried, when I could). Also, Oberyn would rather chase me  the whole round around the map and getting no kill at all instead of collecting easy kills by backstabbing peasants. Thats what makes a top battle/team player. Someone who (tries to) takes out the biggest menace on the enemy team. Kills alone mean nothing.

so make it dmg based,  with bonus if the high is higher level, or have good k/D

is the same thing i do, if i see bjord sawa  oberyn ,noobplayer, ladygaga, mega etc  i go on them becouse if they die 90% my team will win

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Distribution is fine the way it is, an equal share for everyone regardless of skill or contribution to the team. Doing something by K/D would just make people mad about KILL STEALING and further promote individualism as opposed to benefiting the team as a whole. By damage might be a solution but many would start complaining of imbalance due to the large amount of damage cavalry is able to dish out by bumping, with the increase in gold allowing them to get more expensive/damaging horses and thus getting more gold, then getting more platemail to allow them to survive longer to dish out more damage, and suddenly plated chargers with gothic bevor top the scoreboards.

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Offline Ganon

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You know the first unattended macroers have appeared, and it was impossible to ban one because his clan (legio) would always vote against a ban. But if you like this system ok, on small servers it will work.

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k/d ratio is usless . Dmgdidduringtheround/death can be usefull. :)
Damn. It's snowing again.

Offline Joker86

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This whole system has a big flaw:

As we all saw during the pre-patch-time good equipment could make up quite some skills.

So a player who had plate, flamberg, great maul and whatnot before the patch, made quite some kills and - as in most cases - was convinced he was a skilled badass (we all know such people  :rolleyes: ), would just need to grind a bit, then put on his super-duper-equipment, kill quite some people, get a good k/d-ratio and would then be able to keep it up for a long time. Totally undeserved. His items would practically keep themselves up.  :?

This would be most extreme concerning heavy cavalry.  :mad:
Joker makes a very good point.
î saved for eternety (without context  :mrgreen:)