Author Topic: The new patch is a breath of fresh air  (Read 5272 times)

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suggestion for chadz premiate skill of players together with upkeep system.
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2011, 01:07:43 pm »
Make that k/d ratio influence  % of  upkeep  in positive(like less % with good k/d)  or adding a fix bonus in gold to remove from upkeep request.    we wanna that the mod is more skill based right?
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 01:20:04 pm by Vicious666 »

Offline Ozwan

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Re: The new patch is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #31 on: January 07, 2011, 01:11:25 pm »
Anything related to the amount of kills leads to fraghunting and team chopping to get the kill.
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Re: The new patch is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #32 on: January 07, 2011, 01:14:09 pm »
Anything related to the amount of kills leads to fraghunting and team chopping to get the kill.

like is already, but at list we premiate ability,    and force ppl to play, and not to leech,     or get naked if on losing team, with such system ppl will be forced to try  win if they losed first round : by using  tactics,     and brain.    becouse they cant say, lets undress all, or lets   wear bad equip, if they are going to pay more upkeep for that .

Offline Helrekkr

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Make that k/d ratio influence  % of  upkeep  in positive(like less % with good k/d)  or adding a fix bonus in gold to remove from upkeep request.    we wanna that the mod is more skill based right?

Like I said, K/D is not a good way to measure performance. A damage counter would be.

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Like I said, K/D is not a good way to measure performance. A damage counter would be.


dmg counter can work also,    if i kill i do many dmg,         pretty much is same.          system -.- except that you not need to kill ppl   ,    you can wound 10 and make more dmg to opposite theam than a guy who made dunno 4 kill maybe  and is 4:o

whatever premiate ability is fine for me

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Re: The new patch is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #35 on: January 07, 2011, 02:40:49 pm »
Good words ctrldeleet.

I'm starting to thing that crpg has two souls (well a bit more but they are subcategories): the people who come from native, who don't really like the grind but love the option of characterization and the other who like the way skills can be switched to time spent playing (ie grinding to higher level).

Both are viable way to enjoy the game, but the difference between the two groups are what make people whine in the end, when chadz, coming from the native born part, changes something
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Re: The new patch is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #36 on: January 07, 2011, 03:09:16 pm »
Well amid all the whining post I thought I'd throw this in here.  This is party a discussion thread but also party a suggestion thread, as you shall see.  But now to the substance of this here post


So after playing cRPG often for several months, I must say I've never enjoyed it so much as now, despite the bugs.  The new upkeep system is quite wonderful, as it adds more to character customization than zerg to the highest level armor/weapon.  Now you must weigh not only the weapon stats, but its cost, when deciding what to buy.  I've bought some things--and I've seen others do the same--which I never would have purchased before because, although it was good for the price, it wasn't top level equipment.  This is great because it adds a lot more variety and gets more equipment used. 

Secondly, the new XP system is great.  No longer do you have to grind retirements or stay clustered together in a mob and bash into the other mob with no tactic or organization.  I've been flanking, defending positions, and other such things which I didn't do before because you got no XP doing it.  Also, playing siege has been fun, but that's a bit off topic so I won't go further.  The grind has been severely reduced.  Now you can just play and try to win and not worry about XP.  This is a great thing and makes the game a lot more fun. 

The biggest flaw I see in the new system is the fact that winning gives you such a high bonus.  Normally this wouldn't be an issue, since the better organized & skilled team should work together to win and get a reward, right?  Not really, because autostack autobalance throws you in randomly with whoever.  I think I saw something about autobalance by banner, which is a step in the right direction for more teamwork.  But the system needs more work.  Right now you get tons more XP for winning, which you can hardly control.  I'd really like to see the default xp/gold turned up a little and the bonus reduced to X .50 each win or less.

Now about the upkeep, I will say a few more words.  The folks who want to play the game to have fun and use all kinds of armor and sundry times are out having fun, while the tincan chinese gold farmers who have no skill are complaining "zomg chadz mah armor costs too much! waaah waaah"  At this I smile.  The game has gotten a lot more like Native in this respect.  In Native you run around with low/mid level gear most of the time, and if you do good, then you can afford some high-level gear.  This now is quite similar.  Now I anticipate much of the cRPG population, upon reading this, will think: "but cRPG isn't supposed to be like native, its supposed to be a constant grindfest where everyone wears plate with lightning fast 2-hand swords and the guy with the higher stats beats everyone else to a pulp customizable!"  Well, I don't think that was chadz vision.

If I may venture a guess, I think chadz wanted to make a mod which took the best parts of Native, but adds persistent stats and customized equipment.  Which this patch does well.  Not do say it doesn't have its shortfalls.  There are still many.  In fact, you will probably see me posting a lot here wanting things changed.  Yet I think we've got the nuts and bolts of the engine made, so to speak, and now we just need to fine tune it.  And here are some ideas to get us started thinking about this:

I'd like to see cRPG money dis-linked from Strategus and a Strategus economy added.  I know this will take some work and time.

As I already mentioned, the autobalance needs to be changed.  Please let us play with our clan mates.  You are never going to get good teamwork out of pubs, especially without some kind of voice server for everyone to use.  Maybe throw in some kind of squad system (perhaps an evolution of the current battalions?)  Let autobalance reassign everyone in the squad at once, so people can stay together with their friends and clan mates.  This is still one of my biggest complaints, since it feels very lonely playing by my self.  There is no point being on vent when half the people there are on the other team, and you are just going to get autobalanced in a few rounds away from the ones on your team.  Or maybe make some clan system built into cRPG (separate from Strategus since some people have alts).  I'm sure you bright folks can think of something.

And where are the American servers?  I'm tired of playing with 150-200 ping D:

An a totally different idea, show gold ingame on your stats page.  That way if I'm wondering "should I wear my heavy set of armor this round, or do I have enough extra money?" I can simply press C, check, and make a decision.  Also some kind of counter showing the maximum repair bill you will have to pay for your current equipment (ie if all your stuff got damaged, how much would it cost).

Click here

I completely agree! :D

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Re: The new patch is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #37 on: January 07, 2011, 03:20:32 pm »
As many found out now, the main problem is the differences in what we though cRPG was supposed to be.

A minority including chadz want it to be Native with improved customisation and additional equipment.
A majority consider it as a highly skill-based PVP MMORPG.

Where having a problem here. The mod developpers can't stand long trying to satisfy both populations, and there will be a drop in the playerbase when people from the second population will start to get boring because nothing changes in their gameplay anymore (hitting level 30 and max upkeep value).

Offline Helrekkr

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Re: The new patch is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #38 on: January 07, 2011, 03:38:10 pm »
What changed pre patch though ? "Top" player would just hit 40 something and get the best gear / stats and nothing would change either. What's the difference ?
Aside from not being 100% better than the average guy, but only 10% or something.

Or am I given to understand that the reason behind the uproar here is that people that used to grind their faces off (skilled or not doesn't matter) no longer have a huge advantage over the average player and most likely die when trying to wade into groups of 10 people by themselves ? :P
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 03:39:41 pm by Helrekkr »