I never understood why so many people complained about 1h sweetspots in the past. It was obviously not as good as the 2h ones but I never had much trouble with them, even with a hybrid build. I believe most comments adressing how bad they were, were meant in comparison with the 2h sweetspots.
The amount of late-hits with the new onehand stab, that actually connect for full damage has definitly increased. I made quite some hits after thinking I missed but could then turn into the enemy when the animation was almost through, just like a 2h sword always could.
In the end I am happy for the buff but I think a more sophisticated move would have been to tone down the sweetspot of 2h instead of bringing 1h on the same level. "OMG devs never buff they only nerf ..." yes yes I know, but in this case nerfing the 2h stab is long overdue anyway. Not for nothing terms like "lolstabbing 2h hero" are an inherent part of cRPG language for decades now.
Everyone and their mother knows that the 2h stab, with its sI love youcraper reach and tankbusting damagevalues during the whole animation is one of the easiest attacks in the game and those people who are against nerfing it are obviously the ones that constantly abuse it.