Author Topic: Gaming Expert Pat Robertson: ‘Murdering Somebody In Cyberspace’ same as murder  (Read 14929 times)

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  • such OP. so bundle of sticks. wow.
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Following is an IMHO:

Morality is just a by-product of settled civilizations. As people went from nomadic tribes to settled farming communities, they developed more stringent rules (generally, no murdering, no thieving, rape bad?), that everyone had to adhere to or risk punishment. From then on, it was only natural that the rules would be taught as the good and correct thing to obey.

Different civilizations did evolve different, parallel morality principles (such as aztecs, lol), but really, it's just a requirement for any society to actually exist and function.  Religions had nothing to do with it, apart from eventually taking on the role of morality preachers and thus lending some extra weight to the laws.

P.S. According to the topic, a fight between Huseby and Yaro online is the same as them duking it out IRL, so go right ahead :lol:

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It's always those assholes that did some sort of martial art and they're so eager to use it. The funny thing is they think it's a fair fight, fighting someone who has no training versus their years.

Listen, none of you know me personally or ever seen me in real life, if you were you would know that I am a man of honor and would never fight anyone who is inferior in skill or strength to me. If he was to show up and I were to conclude that he is a clear mismatch for me, I would of shook guy's hand for his courage, bought him a beer(if he's of age), showed him around my home town, and pay for his trip back home. that's just the kind of guy I am. However, when people talk smack and then you call them out and they start saying to you stuff like: "oh, I would like to hide behind my monitor and First Amendment because the circumstances just not right and there is a sand in my clitoris which prevents me from being a man" then you accomplished what you were attempting to accomplish in the first place, show punk his place in this world and that his shit talking does not extend beyond boundaries of the internet... that wasn't an attempt to be an internet tough guy, rather a social experiment to determine this person's character... I discovered what I already have known... no surprises there...
« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 11:30:10 pm by Yaro »
"Frisians = clan of trolls and mouth breathers." Kesh

"Us Frisian's are gung-ho, degenerate rabble who just want to burn and pillage." Havelle

"These days I think frisia are the worst scumbags cRPG has ever known." Matey

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I'm not trying to be a tough guy when I talk shit about your beliefs online.  I'm mocking and making fun of you. So I don't think you've shown me my place.  I'm not going to fight over words people say.  I'm (ironically) much more mature than that. 

I take fighting and violence much more seriously than words people say.  But if you're that easily brought to fisticuffs, than it's probably good that you've found something (religion) to keep you from murdering people who disrespect you. 

You don't know anything about my character.  I'm not afraid of anyone who breathes the same air as me.  That being said, I'm not going to put my life on the line because you're easily offended when someone makes fun of you as they logically destroying your belief system. 
« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 11:38:00 pm by CrazyCracka420 »
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 - Stolen from Macropussy

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I read the bible some time ago, best laugh since the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. Especielly when I though about the fact that people believe in it.
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Arguing religion on the Internet, gg guys, nice to know everyone is still incompetent
You are a horrible human being clockwork.

If i ever get muted on forums, contact me on

Offline Swaggart

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No, this is not about religion anymore. It's a clash of titans.

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Fuck, why'd I read this garbage? I actually have to think today...
Pock gobblers

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 :lol:   This gif is probably the only good thing about this thread, laughing at christards arguing over internet got old long time ago.

Mods compatible with cRPG. New crosshairs, textures, sounds, yay.

Offline Taser

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Fuck, why'd I read this garbage? I actually have to think today...

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I hope the interesting people that participated in this discussion are still reading.

I don’t quite understand what you are referencing to by “Traditional Christian” reading of the Bible? Perhaps you mean interpretation? There is no interpretation of the Bible in Orthodox Christianity as Orthodox Christian is not free to believe whatever he wants to believe or interpret the Holy Scripture in whatever way strikes his fancy. Nor are bishops free to teach whatever they want. All are called to accept and live by the apostolic tradition, which has been handed down uncorrupt from the first century until today.

You can't prove it's not corrupted. Religious organisations of any kind are run by men, holy books written by men (in the physical sense), theology discussed by men. In all these processes, errors were made.

When Christ ascended to heaven, He did not leave behind a system of philosophy or a school. He left His Church, which was a concrete, historical community there in Jerusalem. From Jerusalem, the Christian Gospel spread throughout the known world, and local Churches were created. This principle can be summarized by the following phrase: no unity of life without unity of faith.  Where is the proof? Alas… Ours is a generation which seeks after signs and wonders (cf. Matthew 12:39)…  Many concepts that are included in Christian dogma are impossible for non believer to comprehend or come to terms with. Bible is not a collection of books. Such statement is a gross oversimplification, it is rather a divinely inspired compendium recorded by handful of people, however all of these works are authored by God.

"authored by god" is vague, but anyway if you meant people wrote in the Bible exactly what God said to them through miracles and such, that's not something you can prove. Without the existence of God, the Bible or any other holy book could exist as it is in the world we know.

We know what was meant in the Bible because of the history and Apostolic succession, the body of knowledge passed down from one Holy Father to the other and unto the flock. When you say that one may interpret the Bible in his own way it is a fallacy because Christianity is not a set of rules that one may follow on one’s own. It is a life which can only be lived in community, in the Church that Christ Himself founded.

Okay fair enough, but then why is the Bible so important and why is everything in your reading of the Bible true ?

To a non believer, it may be hard to accept the fact that some things in life don’t need to be validated in order to be true.

That just depends on whether you prefer to seek truth or be happy that you found "it" and stop searching.

Love requires no validation it’s just is

Love is a complex phenomenon in the brain that we share with a range of other animals, it is validated already.

, so is faith, as it has no known measure and its essence cannot be captured and studied in a laboratory.

It depends on what you mean by faith. Faith as in believing in something that you can't prove is everywhere in human society. Faith as in cult, rituals and community activites has observable effects on our well-being and this is true for any ritual, even completely agnostic. Faith as in the effects of believing in a given religion such as self-confidence or distorted morals (widest known being the typical "killing infidels isn't bad") is shared by all religions too. My point is, there is nothing special about your faith in particular.

religion is a dogma in purest sense of this word-a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.To you possibilities and odds are infinite, to me the possibility is certain and finite first the cessation of physical life and then possibility becomes two fold either isolation from God and eventual destruction of one’s soul or an eternal life in his presence, Christian makes this judgment on the basis of neither abstract theories nor his own limited, individual experience, but upon the corporate experience of the Church. 

But then why are all other religious people that were bred in other parts of the world not right too ? They made their judgment based on the corporate experience of their own "church".

The foundation of everything the Church believes and teaches is the fact that God is not some impersonal essence or philosophical principle, but the Father Who exists in an eternal communion of love with His Son and His Spirit and Who speaks to those whom He has created face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend (Exodus 33:11).

To me, your faith is much more about humans than about God.


Mocking someone for their belief in god is very ignorant

Of what ?

and narrow-minded

You can have an open mind about jumping out of the window and consider it seriously but still not do it because you have perfectly good reasons not to do it. I'd say mocking isn't narrow-minded nor ignorant but rather shows a lack of empathy, deserved or not.

Your fanatical atheist attitude

What is this. Mocking people over their beliefs is fanatical now ? People can believe whatever they want, I've yet to see any atheist ever trying to "convert" someone. Any religion is arbitrary, deal with it. Something arbitrary cannot be considered equivalent to something that is not, or held to the same standards. How fanatical do I look like if I start getting offended by people mocking me for my belief in the rose unicorn behind the moon, and arguing that it should be taught in schools as a valid alternative to its non-existence ?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 03:07:59 am by Kafein »

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I read the bible some time ago, best laugh since the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. Especielly when I though about the fact that people believe in it.

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« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 02:28:06 am by wayyyyyne »

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Religion is not dumb... people are dumb, including those who say something is dumb when they possess no knowledge on the subject matter. Pat Robertson does not represent all Christianity and he sure does not represent all religion, he simply states his opinions based on his theological point of view which is in a matter of fact...

...He's not simply stating his opinion, He's saying that if you play violent video games: "...that stuff will chop off your access, and you will go dead in your heart. That is the danger of all of this".
He's stating what does or does not constitute as healthy actions in the context of a relationship w/ God. It's his belief of the way things are and it goes further than an opinion.
If you were to tell him "that's just your opinion." He would deny that it is an opinion, and back up his statement with bible verses to reinforce/validate his beliefs...

And yes, he (P.Robertson) is stating his opinion, because he simply is not a recognized authority in Christendom since his domain is televangelism in America which of course has nothing to do with Apostolic Church. Although that being said, he makes a good point which is very easy to misinterpret which I assume that you have done...

If you think he needs to be a "recognized authority in christendom" to state a belief rather than an opinion, I suggest you look up the definitions of "belief" and "opinion". Just because what he said is disagreeable even from people of the same faith, doesn't mean the statement he is making is an opinion. It most clearly, according to definition, is his belief.

  [bih-leef]  Show IPA
something believed; an opinion or conviction: a belief that theearth is flat.
confidence in the truth or existence of something notimmediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthyof belief.
confidence; faith; trust: a child's belief in his parents.
a religious tenet or tenets; religious creed or faith


If nothing else, I hope you at least learned something today.

You are a typical religious nut, You discount anything you want to discount and call it out of context, mistranslation, lack of understanding, you have to be a christian to understand, etc... For you, the bible only reinforces what you choose to believe, anything that is disagreeable you have an excuse for why it doesn't count, even when you are discounting the bible and popular christian religion itself.

If you really think the average christian spends his entire life studying and practicing christianity, then you don't know how averages work. A lot of them (christians) lose faith, which would bring the average down from "entire life studying...", and since you can't spend more than your entire life studying/practicing christianity there would be no way to bring this average back up to make it so the average christian spends his entire life studying and practicing christianity.

Furthermore, if you think that my 16 hours a week studying the bible and scripture with different groups of adults from the largest churches and christian school in my county doesn't count because I was young. I suggest you inform all christian families not to raise their children as christians, since they obviously cant understand or retain the true meaning, in your mind. It would be doing a great service to the children.

Pat Robertson made a pretty nutty statement, but Yaro, you are completely outdoing him on all fronts.

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Quote : "Investigationes archers" End Quote : rabble babble boo 3rd eyes on the wind of something ...........nvm

I dont agree

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I do agree with the exchanging of idea's , and i respect the people who have posted so far.
