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loginOr basically any other stab focused polearm, bamboo has a nice combination of length and speed, but the damage is too damn weak.
Always aim for the head of the horse. Know what's around you to predict what way he will run away, then maneuver to that side while he turns his horse and save a stab for when he gets to minor speed. Then you'll get another free rear and should be able to kill the horse.
Huh, I always find stabbing at the head of the horse very risky because of magical shield block. I always stab at the legs, they increased the damage to the legs significantly at some point, never heard anything about it again, but I have no reason to believe they removed it.
In any case, having secure aim and aiming at the legs from the side always works, otherwise the ass end of the horse or the tip of the nose. Aim as far away from the shield as possible and you should be okay. Stabbing from the side allows you to avoid the shield much better, but stabbing from the front coupled with correct movement might allow you to stop the horse again if you move fast enough.