clearly the community cannot handle suggestions, so much butt hurt over a suggestion, yet the same thing was done to lance cavalry.......
It is broken, everyone knows its broken, and it has been broken since day one of warband. It was complained about in native and continues to be a problem to this day. The dev's attempted to fix the problem by blanket nerfing all spin speed which didnt really get rid of the problem, just made pike spins just a bit less. I cant see how you dont see this unless....oh wait, must be a 2h im speaking to......clears things up a bit.
Then stating ive checked you all to see if you have used a pike before? well no of course not, however knowing the "average person" and readin forum posts, learning the community you play in, and then reading topics such as these ( ) concludes that i can more then likely say nobody here has used one. As for "realism being my aim, i was throwing that out there at Tydeus' statement as he clearly has thrown pikes or swords about to know that his information is correct, he is a balancer after all he would know.
The statement to the stab was based upon the 2h/polearms, but could be used for all the stabbing animations really, it was just a suggestion. But as you can tell from our "lovely" community, nothing but shit spews from every persons mouth, even "game admins" the supposed holy grail of our cess pit of a gaming community.
Welp, at this point im goin to lock the thread up, no point in truly allowing more garbage in, the landfill is full.