1. 1h swords are already the fastest weapons in the game....bad suggestion
2. 100 speed shields already "insta" block, aka the same speed as manual blocking, you need to get a better shield, or don't expect the shields that take the most damage (aka the heaviest) to also be able to block instantly. Seems like you want the best of both worlds, which is exactly the opposite of rock, paper, scissors model of game play.
3. I don't like this suggestion, but if it was implemented, then you'd need to do the same for manual blocking. I think it's a bad idea due to ping playing such a big part in when your block or chamber is registered. They already have chamber blocking (starting your chamber when the enemy's swing is coming forward) which I think already does what you're looking for.
4. I don't think this is necessary unless you're going to give polearm or 2h nudges damage dealt as well (that's not the point of the nudge mechanic, it's to interrupt someone's block).
Full disclosure, I'm a 1h/shield hybrid, so your suggestions (all of which I disagree with) would actually benefit me on points 1, 2, and 4.