Author Topic: War on Apostates  (Read 64612 times)

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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #465 on: August 17, 2013, 03:21:52 am »
This is EU sandpit and EU sand. It's not your business what we're doing here. By the way, please dual Big Mac with a triple cheese, and for that DIET Coke hehehe
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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #466 on: August 17, 2013, 04:41:14 am »
Brave Mercs. Best clan in EU. You are not wiped out from the map only because of shitty mechanic, so keep to yourself all these weird comments and conspiracy theories of history.  Just  :lol:

Haven't seen you even try and attack dhirim, senuzgda castles sieges were pretty fail (we did 1:1 every time we attacked that castle in NA), and derchios castle was never attempted.  All 3 are stone castle fiefs - i would say more you guys are afraid to fight cities and castles even when they offered to reduce troop counts like they did repeatedly for you in senuzgda since you can't crutch on heavy warhorses like normal, then any broken game mechanic.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #467 on: August 17, 2013, 09:39:42 am »
Brave Mercs. Best clan in EU. You are not wiped out from the map only because of shitty mechanic, so keep to yourself all these weird comments and conspiracy theories of history.  Just  :lol:

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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #468 on: August 17, 2013, 09:46:07 am »
Brave Mercs. Best clan in EU. You are not wiped out from the map only because of shitty mechanic, so keep to yourself all these weird comments and conspiracy theories of history.  Just  :lol:

Dosen't that remind you of some other faction that crawled back into their castles when they were losing, you so easily forget that dont you, maybe i am wrong but im sure another faction stayed in their castles with over 10k garrisons and refused to come out, i maybe wrong again.

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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #469 on: August 17, 2013, 01:21:25 pm »
It's too easy to stack and go inactive and hold onto a few densely populated fiefs atm.

I guess the real proof of whether you're like Grey Order or not will be whether you actually come out of your castles and retake your land at some point. If you don't and you just sit there then you can't claim Grey Order did exactly the same as you since they made their come-back, you will certainly be more cowardly than them. But if you do come out (eventually) like they did and begin trying to reconquer then noone can accuse you of hiding.

So whatever words you fling at each other, i'm just waiting to see what happens next- cos at the moment Apostates can survive but nothing more, hanging onto the excuse that for a time Grey Order did the same, but if Apostates don't make a come-back, then you don't even have that excuse anymore, cos unless you reconquer every piece of your land you will have done significantly worse out of the same situation that happened with Grey Order over christmas, that you constantly use to justify your current strategy. So let's wait and see if anyone's got more to them than just talk, cos unless you make the push to reconquer your land any comparison you make between yourself and Grey Order is garbage, and frankly an insult to Grey Order who took everything back very quickly. Actions= louder than words.

P.s. It's nice to see that the flame war has still been simmering away this whole time at a low temperature.
We can compare consider they were inactive in their fief for several weeks
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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #470 on: August 17, 2013, 02:11:25 pm »
We can compare consider they were inactive in their fief for several weeks

Also, grey order has something like 200 cd key accounts - little easier to "come back" if you are the single largest faction on map in terms of cd keys (in actual players 2nd to coalition and possibly 4th or 5th depending).  Also, they got to defend their most defensible fiefs repeatedly and gain gear and have enemy lose large amounts of troops before coming back - grey order does absolutely nothing but a few open field battles and a few villages - wolves have done almost everything when it comes to apostates. 

So much of the grey order is based on FOTM builds which favor heavy cav builds which are incredibly easy to do well with and steel pick spamming with shields - in a siege both those broken builds get wrecked by superior players.  So really its a stalemate - apostates are smaller can being atatcked by multiple factions so can't push abck out and grey order is too terrified to ever try to take a decent castle or city "because its the game being broken or bad for why they dont do well" despite doing poorly in all the stone castle sieges as well.  Sorry you cant ride a warhorse into a castle :( :twisted:  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #471 on: August 17, 2013, 05:13:23 pm »
Also, grey order kesh has something like 200 cd key accounts - little easier to "come back" if you are the single largest faction on map in terms of cd keys (in actual players 2nd to coalition and possibly 4th or 5th depending).  Also, they got to defend their most defensible fiefs repeatedly and gain gear and have enemy lose large amounts of troops before coming back - grey order does absolutely nothing but a few open field battles and a few villages - wolves have done almost everything when it comes to apostates. 

So much of the grey order is based on FOTM builds which favor heavy cav builds which are incredibly easy to do well with and steel pick spamming with shields - in a siege both those broken builds get wrecked by superior players.  So really its a stalemate - apostates are smaller can being atatcked by multiple factions so can't push abck out and grey order is too terrified to ever try to take a decent castle or city "because its the game being broken or bad for why they dont do well" despite doing poorly in all the stone castle sieges as well.  Sorry you cant ride a warhorse into a castle :( :twisted:

Also Wercheg and Grunwalder battles went pretty fucking well for GO (I saw 1-1 kds in Grunwalder until the timer went out), you cried so fucking hard about Dhirim, and at least when you can attack something you don't have to bring 3k troops per attack or more due to severe stacking
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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #472 on: August 17, 2013, 10:39:40 pm »
Also, grey order has something like 200 cd key accounts - little easier to "come back" if you are the single largest faction on map in terms of cd keys (in actual players 2nd to coalition and possibly 4th or 5th depending).  Also, they got to defend their most defensible fiefs repeatedly and gain gear and have enemy lose large amounts of troops before coming back - grey order does absolutely nothing but a few open field battles and a few villages - wolves have done almost everything when it comes to apostates. 

So much of the grey order is based on FOTM builds which favor heavy cav builds which are incredibly easy to do well with and steel pick spamming with shields - in a siege both those broken builds get wrecked by superior players.  So really its a stalemate - apostates are smaller can being atatcked by multiple factions so can't push abck out and grey order is too terrified to ever try to take a decent castle or city "because its the game being broken or bad for why they dont do well" despite doing poorly in all the stone castle sieges as well.  Sorry you cant ride a warhorse into a castle :( :twisted:

You've been playing this game for how long, Kesh? 3 days? A week already? LOL

BTW - we have like 3 guys riding horsies...  :rolleyes:
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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #473 on: August 18, 2013, 04:17:06 am »
So much of the grey order is based on FOTM builds which favor heavy cav builds which are incredibly easy to do well with and steel pick spamming with shields - in a siege both those broken builds get wrecked by superior players.  So really its a stalemate - apostates are smaller can being atatcked by multiple factions so can't push abck out and grey order is too terrified to ever try to take a decent castle or city "because its the game being broken or bad for why they dont do well" despite doing poorly in all the stone castle sieges as well.  Sorry you cant ride a warhorse into a castle :( :twisted:

Try and play vs Coalition. The amount of cav and seeing Champ Chargers makes you want to insta-rq.
I hope you guys get some sort of sticky balls deseases and smell like my armpits, sorry excusese for nolife fucking cunts you are.

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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #474 on: August 18, 2013, 08:50:17 am »
Try and play vs Coalition. The amount of cav and seeing Champ Chargers makes you want to insta-rq.

Lol. Exactly my thougts when I play vs Greys :D

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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #475 on: August 18, 2013, 12:37:57 pm »
Also, grey order has something like 200 cd key accounts - little easier to "come back" if you are the single largest faction on map in terms of cd keys (in actual players 2nd to coalition and possibly 4th or 5th depending).  Also, they got to defend their most defensible fiefs repeatedly and gain gear and have enemy lose large amounts of troops before coming back - grey order does absolutely nothing but a few open field battles and a few villages - wolves have done almost everything when it comes to apostates. 

So much of the grey order is based on FOTM builds which favor heavy cav builds which are incredibly easy to do well with and steel pick spamming with shields - in a siege both those broken builds get wrecked by superior players.  So really its a stalemate - apostates are smaller can being atatcked by multiple factions so can't push abck out and grey order is too terrified to ever try to take a decent castle or city "because its the game being broken or bad for why they dont do well" despite doing poorly in all the stone castle sieges as well.  Sorry you cant ride a warhorse into a castle :( :twisted:

Chill out and smile although once you angry fat bitch  :)

Have a nice Sunday  :)
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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #476 on: August 18, 2013, 02:04:49 pm »
Chill out and smile although once you angry fat bitch  :)

Have a nice Sunday  :)

Sorry, couldn't understand with the weak grammar and the vague inaccurate references - keep crutching harder on picks - let me know when you are brave enough to try 1 different weapon or build in the game.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #477 on: August 18, 2013, 03:16:21 pm »
Try and play vs Coalition. The amount of cav and seeing Champ Chargers makes you want to insta-rq.

Not really. When it comes to cav both GO and COA are about the same when talking about numbers. In some battles, GO has superior cav, in some COA does.
I'm not sure if it's the case in GO, but whenever i fight in strat we start off with a nice amount of cav and the longer the fights goes, the more cav start retreating into infantry because they are too much of a coward to take the instant deaths when you bump a shitton of enemy infantry.

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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #478 on: August 18, 2013, 03:30:42 pm »
Not really. When it comes to cav both GO and COA are about the same when talking about numbers. In some battles, GO has superior cav, in some COA does.
I'm not sure if it's the case in GO, but whenever i fight in strat we start off with a nice amount of cav and the longer the fights goes, the more cav start retreating into infantry because they are too much of a coward to take the instant deaths when you bump a shitton of enemy infantry.
to bump shitton of infantry you need to avoid shitton of pikes, have you played cav in last 50 strat battles fips?
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Re: War on Apostates
« Reply #479 on: August 18, 2013, 03:40:26 pm »
to bump shitton of infantry you need to avoid shitton of pikes, have you played cav in last 50 strat battles fips?

I have had my fair share of shitty k/ds because i was a bumpy cav. Not very recently, but i know what it's like and how frustrating it can be. I still don't get why so many people bitch out when they see all the pikes. Even if you stop infront of 2 or 3 pikes and die in an instant, it's time you can get for other cav to actually bump infantry. Just stopping pikes and long spears from poking into your own infantry can make your death worth it. Pikes and longspear can stop a good amount of cav, yes, but at some point there is no way you can stop all cav that is coming to you and that are the moments where cavalry can shine.
I wish GK was active again. They weren't really useful on foot, but at least they knew how important cavalry is for field battles and rarely bitched out.