But....they DID train so hard to keep their freedom... and to keep their slaves from having freedom. But the United States is no different: The USA's economy would have tanked much worse than it has if they didn't use slave labour. I will put a spoiler in, so 'Muricans can ignore and anyone else can read.
The US economy is massively supported by their production of cheap goods using slave labour: They force the vast majority of their prison population to work, for pennies a day, and SOMETIMES the goverment gets to sell their products, but mostly, privately owned companies supply the raw materials and get 100% of the profit, which is huge when you have a basically unpaid workforce. Prisoners in the US produce clothing, metal items, wooden items, food, all kinds of stuff.
Same with the fruit and veg industry: Private companies with goverment contracts bus migrant south/central american workers to their plantations, and make them work the entire season. They pay them next to nothing, and make them get their supplies (food clothing etc) from a onsite store: owned by the same company that pays the workers, and charges whatever prices they want since the migrants cannot leave (sometimes literally, as in, workcamps, sometimes just by their being no roads out of the wilderness of fruittrees they have been bussed to). When the season is over, or the workers are becoming upset at being used as slaves, the company cals Immigration and has the workers all bussed back across the border.
This all happens with the express consent of the goverment, since without slave labor the country would be so far out of competition with the "lesser developed" countries who pay their workers similar amounts, the difference being in most countries you CAN survive on a few pence a day.
But still, this should come as no surprise to anyone, since the beginnings of recorded history: Many ppl must live in shit, near starvation, for a few to dine from gold plates. Such is the world, the difference now is so many people have been told different that its not accepted.
BTW: Communism= no nice cars, nice planes, Iphones, but everyone eats. Think about it. We wouldn't have the internet, but we wouldn't have slaves either. Doesn't look so bad. TBH I would probably be worse off, since I live by exploiting the capitalist shithole we live in, but at least I can recognise that the AVERAGE quality of life would improve.
PS: Im not a communist...but dont reply with some shit about how the USSR collapsed, that was as far from a communist state as it is possible to get.
Yes because Al Qaeda did 9/11............ My face actually hurts from how hard I palmed it when I read that in your post.