
Pick your next NA Admin

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Author Topic: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted  (Read 60027 times)

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #195 on: January 30, 2014, 04:19:46 pm »
I feel like I'm having flashbacks to old ATS server days, except thankfully I'm not an admin any more  :D

There are actually a bunch of admins who aren't in Chaos. Are you guys upset because a lot of them are players that Canary actually knows and  trusts? I don't really follow the logic. It seems more like you all are lobbying for more admins from Remnant than anything else tbh.

I really like Dexxxtaaaa, and it's a shame he doesn't even really play the game anymore, but why make him admin if he already was one and probably doesn't give two shits about the mod? I'm all for more admins, but quality over quantity imo. To my eyes, there hasn't been a big need for more admin presence in the server because the ones we already have are pretty good.
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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #196 on: January 30, 2014, 04:37:47 pm »
I feel like I'm having flashbacks to old ATS server days, except thankfully I'm not an admin any more  :D

There are actually a bunch of admins who aren't in Chaos. Are you guys upset because a lot of them are players that Canary actually knows and  trusts? I don't really follow the logic. It seems more like you all are lobbying for more admins from Remnant than anything else tbh.

Sauce has made a valid point that, most people who are chosen to be an administrator are only those who are directly affiliated with the current admin team.  Now, this makes sense, to choose people you already know, however where does that leave the rest of the community?  Little to no chance, unfortunately.  It's a bit unfair, I'd like to see some people like Hirlok get admin, maybe dynaMike or Jedae.  All good dudes, play often, never seen them break the rules personally.  Why not give some other people outside of the current admin community a shot?

No one is upset, and I already stated it makes sense logically, to recruit admins in this way, it just simply is not fair to everyone else. No one said anything about Chaos, and I would stop playing if more than 2 Remnants became admins. (Dex and Mike) Most of us aren't fit for it.  There are plenty others who have no admins in their clans, thus are not affiliated with the "admin community" that would probably do quite well, and I already used Hirlok and Jedae as examples.  Please read more thoroughly before posting.

I really like Dexxxtaaaa, and it's a shame he doesn't even really play the game anymore, but why make him admin if he already was one and probably doesn't give two shits about the mod? I'm all for more admins, but quality over quantity imo. To my eyes, there hasn't been a big need for more admin presence in the server because the ones we already have are pretty good.

Yes Dex had his shot and blew it, but to say he doesn't give a shit about the mod?  Look at Look at this thread he recently started.  It's obvious he cares about the mod, the community, and the growth of the two. 

EDIT:  I agree that the recent admin selections have been quite good, but having more good admins can't hurt, so why not give some others a shot?  That's my whole point.
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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #197 on: January 30, 2014, 08:19:54 pm »

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« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 10:26:37 pm by Sauce »

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #198 on: January 30, 2014, 09:01:19 pm »
Who's holding grudges? Dexx was a fine admin who brought a lot of fun to the admining group and more importantly didn't flagrantly abuse his powers (to my knowledge).
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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #199 on: January 30, 2014, 09:23:49 pm »
   We have seen what happens when one clan admins NA in majority, it was called the ATS-NA server and it was a failure.

The only failure here is your comment above.
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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #200 on: January 30, 2014, 09:26:46 pm »
I really like Dexxxtaaaa, and it's a shame he doesn't even really play the game anymore, but why make him admin if he already was one and probably doesn't give two shits about the mod? I'm all for more admins, but quality over quantity imo. To my eyes, there hasn't been a big need for more admin presence in the server because the ones we already have are pretty good.

I'd say Dexxtaa lost his admin because he cares quite a bit about the mod. He is the only admin I can think of that didn't just punish people for breaking the rules but actively tried to make people's experiences more enjoyable. His methods were by no means perfect and he did upset a few people through his map changing, but that shouldn't disqualify him from going through the process again. Whether or not he should be re-admined is debatable but he should at least be reconsidered.
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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #201 on: January 30, 2014, 09:57:41 pm »
All you BIG and Established clans always talk about yourselves as admin, I want an admin from a small clan like HG idk if you have ever heard of them but they are pretty cool dudes. This is a grassroots movement and we are here to earn the respect and admin privileges!!!  :mrgreen:

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #202 on: January 30, 2014, 10:23:09 pm »
Didn't Dexxta get deadminned for changing map to Arena?  That should be grounds for making him head admin.  Ban Canary imo

and I don't even like the gifspamming my old friendget

« Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 01:54:18 am by Kaoklai »
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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #203 on: January 30, 2014, 10:24:10 pm »
All you BIG and Established clans always talk about yourselves as admin, I want an admin from a small clan like HG idk if you have ever heard of them but they are pretty cool dudes.

This is what I've been trying to get across to people.  There are a ton of good dudes in HG, Acre, Chevaliers, Raven, MB, Frisia, and the list goes on.  There are also a lot of potentially great admins who are clanless, and my whole argument is that, these people should at least get a chance.  I'm not "lobbying" for more admins from the Remnants, I just want to see more admins from different groups.  A more diverse admin community could do a lot of good.  Just my opinions.

Btw: lets stop the pissing match here. This is a good discussion, there's no need for that petty shit.
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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #204 on: January 30, 2014, 10:43:17 pm »
The ability to tell if someone has the potential to be a great admin shouldn't be determined by a post about their qualifications. We have all played this game long enough to know who knows the rules, and who doesn't know the rules.  Personally, I've spent 3 years of my life passionately playing this game with the same tight-knit community.

That being said, the trial admin feature is not being used properly.  I think we finally have gotten to a point where the selection choice (Although functioning very well at the moment) needs some sort of re-vamp.  We can't have one person in a community as active as ours having to take care everything that has to do with matters like this.  It is a full time job, and we can't just push it all on Canary.  If you think for even a second that the system is currently unfair let me be the first to tell you it used to be a lot worse.  The problems we face now are good problems.  There are too many awesome candidates and we aren't giving people the chances they deserve.  I understand that we don't want a massive influx of admins, but at the same time there's still not admins on round the clock.

There are so many people that deserve a chance, and by chance that is all I really mean.  A 2-4 week period in which they can be evaluated based on their performance and response from the community.  Give Dex another shot, give Havelle a shot, give who deserves a shot, a shot.  There are so many passionate people who just want to make the community better, they have great ideas, they are great people, and they are so so willing. Give them a chance.

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #205 on: January 30, 2014, 10:57:03 pm »
(click to show/hide)

Amen brother :)
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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #206 on: January 30, 2014, 11:07:53 pm »
Smoothrich was, at one point, an admin for this game. 'nough said. Really whoever wants to become an admin probably could, regardless of "qualifications", although I don't see why they would. It seems a thankless task. So you either end up with retarded troll man-children like Smoothrich or naively optimistic good samaritans, it's tough to tell until some time has passed.
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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #207 on: January 30, 2014, 11:38:13 pm »
Since I've been made head NA admin I've had six admins removed from power. Five of them were completely inactive and we had a bloat of admins (we had several more than EU has, and their population is nearly double that of NA). The other was Dexxtaa, who was abusing his powers to needlessly change the map and say irrelevant nonsense in pinktext, which wasn't as grievous. He was warned to stop. His last act as admin was to change to the map where both teams spawned on top of each other. That's not good.

(click to show/hide)

More admins would certainly be welcome, though. I've added six admins so far. Four of them were people that I'm not very familiar with on a personal level. None of the six were from the same clan (even though one's clan is not something I really consider a critical issue in making the choice). One, san, was from my own clan, and part of the reason he was specifically chosen was that he was made an item balancer and needed access to the rank 4 admin damage viewer; he made sense as an admin anyway so it worked out in the end.

If some of you are arguing that on paper it seems bad that people like Rhalzo and san know me personally and were made admin, implying they'd consequently make bad admins or shouldn't be admins, you ought to check on your ulterior motives for propagandizing.

The ability to tell if someone has the potential to be a great admin shouldn't be determined by a post about their qualifications.

It isn't. Likewise, the amount of upvotes said post receives does not play a part. Dexxtaa lost his admin knowingly in a way that he accepted. He did things admins shouldn't do and is now doing things no player should do, the amount of upvotes he's getting on his request to get reinstated do not change the fact that he is not a good candidate.

P.S. Chaos had more admins before I was made head NA admin. The record was 9 (incidentally when Sauce, dynamike and Dexxtaa were all in Chaos) and with the addition of san Chaos now has 4 admins.

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #208 on: January 30, 2014, 11:48:24 pm »
It isn't. Likewise, the amount of upvotes said post receives does not play a part. Dexxtaa lost his admin knowingly in a way that he accepted. He did things admins shouldn't do and is now doing things no player should do, the amount of up votes he's getting on his request to get reinstated do not change the fact that he is not a good candidate.


I was speaking more along the lines of (and I'm sure you are aware) giving people a chance and using it as an example.  Dexxtaa got his chance and he did what he did with it.  Him being removed was undoubtedly a decision that had to be made by the appropriate personnel.  I'm not saying every single person with a good attitude for it is cut out for the job.  But, personally I'd like to see more trial run's.  I understand that this is my opinion and even though it carries little value I would be ashamed not to say it.

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Re: NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« Reply #209 on: January 31, 2014, 12:14:28 am »
So this becoming quite the thread.

On a point for clarification: I'm not quite sure what qualifies for "rule breaking troll" behavior. Is it because my recent passion for throwing interferes with your clans' domination of the server?

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